Feb 2, 2007

Get Your Kicks On Route 66

I recently posted about how some of the male truckers behave while travelling down the interstate. So now let me clue you in on how some of the male automobile drivers behave as well.

This week, while heading west on the Long Island Expressway I had the pleasure of getting a big laugh out of one particular fellow. Lets call him "Freddie" (that is what it said on his license plate anyway). Now Freddie was also heading west and after several miles I begin to notice that he was hovering beside me. Traffic moving in various speeds all around me, but Freddie was hanging in there. Immediately, I suspected what he was up to. (This has happened on several occasions!!) So, I casually glance to my left and there was Freddie in the throes of passion. Albeit, a solitary act of passion shall we say. Totally exposed from hips to knees, Freddie is getting busy!! He never noticed that I had looked his way. He also never noticed the Police Officer on his immediate left!!

Yes, the blue lights came on!!

I just wish I could have heard him try to explain his way out of that one!!


Mike said...
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Mike said...

You could have just used the post from your last entry, Finish What You Started!! for this one too, huh?

Terry said...

I don't think the officer would have approved!!

"Excuse me officer, I'll just be a minute." *hee hee*

Angel said...

That is so funny! So very very funny! I need some ammo like that for my erotic stories. hee hee.

LID said...

"You see officer there was this lady truck driver and... well..."

Terry said...

I would be happy to share some more tidbits with you Angel; however, the acts of self gratification I have witnessed (and they are numerous) usually end in tragedy.. IE- running off the road, colliding with other vehicles etc.....