Feb 14, 2007


This week while staying in Connecticut, I was informed of some Useless Information I felt it was necessary to pass along.. I am sure most of you have already heard most of this... Oh, I am soooo out of the loop!!

Did you know that Elvis WAS alive and living in Kalamazoo Michigan (until recently) under the alias John Burrows. ( I think I have heard that before)


JFK is alive and well in the Swiss Alps...


My personal favorite....... Do you know why Anna Nicole Smith is dead??
Because her daughter's father, was really her son... So they both committed suicide!!

I actually learned quite a few things that morning, but I don't seem to be able to recall them at the moment...

I am sooooo out of the loop!!


LID said...

And where, did you come upon this information? Oh, that's right you were in CT? That wild and crazy state!

Angel said...

Believe it or not.... the Anna Nicole Smith thing was a speculation that hubby and I have but we read too much erotica (well I do at least. LOL)

Terry said...

Yes, CT!! But the info came from the night shift Motel Manager....Enough Said!!

Angel, I think it just makes too much sense, to at least not consider it, RIGHT??

Sally said...

The ANS thing makes TOTAL sense! Which is crazy, because when did anything that had to do with ANS make ANY sense?? *wink*

Terry said...

To follow up.... The reasoning behind the suicides was to eliminate the potential of US finding out what freaks they really were (INCEST).. Like we didn't know!!!