Apr 17, 2007

Weather Update

Boy has this week been something.....

Usually when I am heading out, I will check the forecast for the locations I am to deliver to..SO, I did that and noticed nothing unusual.. Temps were to be a little cooler than normal for this time of year. I did not notice precipitation forecasts. I only check those when temps dip below freezing.

So, it seems I was the only person not informed of the Nor Easter that was to be blowing through New England this week..

What the hell is a Nor Easter anyway??

I head out early Sunday and after a few hours, the phone calls start pouring in..

"Have you run into the snow yet?""

I am in Charlotte NC at this time and it is 76 degrees...

I laugh it off thinking the Fisherman is trying to start "something".

Well now, 100 miles further up the road and the local temperatures have plummeted to 28 degrees and there is quite an accumulation of snow on the ground and my mirrors and windows.. It is freakin' white out conditions and traffic is doing well to maintain 35 mph...

Can you imagine.... a 48 degree drop in 90 minutes.....

But wait....Another 100 miles and we are back to 50+ degrees with a mild drizzle... The winds however are blasting away at over 50 mph... Now if that ain't white knuckle driving. ...My trailer has a large tarp mounted on an aluminum frame and acts like a parachute.. I am being tossed from lane to lane along with everyone else on the roadway, even with 40k on my trailer...

The torrential rains were ahead of me, so I was spared that portion of the program.. I managed to arrive in Baltimore safe and sound...

But this week has lead to a lot of concerns.... New Jersey was very hard hit and numerous roads have been closed due to flooding... The bridge crossings into New York have been closed to 18 Wheelers due to high winds... My trip is not looking so good, eh??

I was informed that those deliveries that could not made early in the week would have to be reattempted on my way home. Bit so far I have managed to get them all made..

I am currently sitting in Boston, okay just north of Boston in a little town called Salem. Ring a bell? Oooohhhhhhhhh Witchy woman, see how high she flies tonight....

OMG, you should see this place.. I would love to get out and stroll around a bit, but with these winds.. I don't think so!! Maybe I will get some pics in the morning....

I had some photos to add to this post, but my computer is not speaking to my camera at the present time.... Maybe when I get home I will share a photo montage of this weeks journey.

Until then, Happy Trails!!


lioux said...


It's like Mother Nature is Manic Depressive!

And, Yea. Jersey was/is still pretty much a mess.

Digital Fortress said...

Be safe out there!

I agree with Lioux, Mother Nature is PMSing really bad and can't do a thing with her hair..seems the weather fluctuates hour to hour around here.

maddie said...

I'm so jealous you're in Salem! I've always wanted to check out the witchyness of the town! :)

We're having spastic weather out here, too. It rained on Saturday, and was sunny and warm on Sunday. The past few days have been sunny but so damn cold, I had to drag out my winter clothes again.

Love Bears All Things said...

I hope the camera and the computer make up soon.
And, I made a self photo of my haircut but it was so ___awful that I can't show it.
safe travel!

Terry said...

Oh Shell, I am just bewitched with the charm of this community, I was going to take a run thru town, but the torrential downpours convinced me otherwise...

And my customer in Plymouth is going to show me all the sites when the weather cooperates.... (ie Plymouth Rock)

Would someone please send Mother Nature a huge box of chocolates!!

Love Bears All Things said...

Sounds like you "Had It All" this week.