Apr 10, 2007

Dr. Jeckyll and Mr. Homer

Something has definitely crawled up the boss man's booty... Today he sent me a message that I would be returning to Baltimore to pick up some damaged material.... I would be returning to Baltimore when I get finished up in Plymouth Massachusetts... I would be heading back to Baltimore from a location that is 448 miles away.... to pick up damaged material....

There is another driver who is delivering at 3 locations around Baltimore.... When he is finished, he will actually be at the location that I am supposed to pick up the damaged materiel at.... He will be in the dock that I am suppose to return to from 448 miles away...

I did not see where any of this made any kind of sense to me, so I called Homer....

I asked my silly little question and in response Homer says, " I am just trying to piss you off and make your life miserable, that is why you are doing it."

Then he hung up on me....

I am not really sure how to take this... Normally, I just let it go, do what I am told and steer clear of the issues that the other drivers have.... It takes too much energy to be angry all the time... But for some reason, I keep thinking I should say something to someone... I actually laughed it off, thinking he might just be having a horrible day, but at the same time, I think I deserve a little more respect....

So, what do you think...

I can easily let this go..... But he has never been so rude and hateful to me before and it is really bugging me.. I have a feeling that the next 4 months are going to be very interesting...


maddie said...

hmmm. this is tricky. is there anyone at the company you can talk to that is above homer, but that is also able to keep their mouth shut? even if homer is having a bad day, there is no reason he should be treating you the way he is. i have dealt with my fair share of mean bosses and it just wears you down to no end. talk to someone if you can. if not, pee on him.

Ginger said...

So you have to ask yourself. If you respond the way you want to with molten lava will it hurt your career and/or make matters worse without actually making you feel any better? If the answer is yes then stick to ranting in the blog and talking about him behind his back. You can make it 4 months girl! You put up with your brothers for how long?

Terry said...

Sally and Shell, this is a very difficult situation to explain, but all of the drivers have gone "Over his head" several times... Corporate loves him!! We are just lowly truck drivers, what do we know....

Hmmmm, no wonder they lost the contract!!

And Ginger, you are soooo right, it is only 4 MONTHS.... I have put up with him for 4 years, so this ought to be a breeze!