Apr 1, 2007

OverZealous? !!

O me O my what have I done..

Yesterday I was feeling a bit energetic so I planned a nice little day of me time...

Cleaned the apartment.

Washed the car.

Enjoyed a "Inspirational" movie courtesy of Best Buy... Free movie passes... Sweeeet!!

A little nap time.

45 Minute Pilates Routine.

And because it was such a beautiful day, I decided to get out and burn some calories off... I have mentioned before the nice little path close to home.. It is a half mile track around a serene little pond.. I set my sights on 5 miles. SO with mp3 in hand, I set out...

I stretched, I walked to the trail, a little more stretching and I then I was off.... I made the first lap with no problem....

I ended up only doing 3 miles, but hey you got to start somewhere... All in all, I only ended up running about 1 mile, and walked the rest.. Okay, it was more like run, walk walk walk, run walk walk walk run, fall over gasping for air with muscles quivering...

Well no I did not actually collapse, but I was a bit disappointed in my attempt...

So, this morning, I am reaping my rewards.. I cant hardly move...

And it is raining!!

And I drank a glass of grape juice before going to bed!! Which is a definite NO for me!! I felt hungover this morning from all the sugar that was in my blood... Yes, natural sugar, but it does not metabolize very well when I am sleeping.... So, I woke up dizzy and felling like a pulled an all night booze fest!! My eyes were crudded over with gunk and I had no desire to start my day... I knew better than to do this, my mother has sugar issues as well and I have tried to steer clear of those problems....I cannot indulge in anything sweet within 5 hours of going to sleep or it really kicks my arse!!

So, with the sugar induced stupor and the aching muscles I feel like ICK!!

Oohhh, the coffee is finished brewing, ....... Maybe there is hope after all!!!


Angel said...

I feel your pain. I over did it dancing friday night when I was fighting off an illness. I lost the fight. *sigh* And I can't eat anything but a bowl of cereal before bed. Speaking of which...it's calling me RIGHT now. LOL Careful with that sugar babe! No need to feel that way if you can avoid it.

Terry said...

I totally agree, Angel.. I knew better!!