Its Times Like These........
In preparation for my upcoming weekend footrace, I promised myself that I would get out and run... Even if I was 1000 miles from home.
Sunday..... too many delays
Monday..... I really needed a nap instead. I had only 4 hours sleep the night before.
Tuesday...... Yep, I did manage to get an hour jog/walk. But I am getting ahead of myself.
I promise I will try to make this short.
Tuesday afternoon as I finished up my delivery in Plymouth Mass, I made a judgement call to not attempt the rush hour drive thru Boston to get to my final stop. I mean really! I can't unload until Wednesday morning anyway. After getting unloaded, I ask the Customer where I could leave my Truck, as I intended to go for a little run.
Well, he had an even better idea!
"Why don't you take my pick-up and go to the waterfront.. You will really enjoy running there, instead of around here.. And we do have that shower in the ladies room, so you can freshen up when you get done!"
I move the Big Truck out of the way and change into my running attire. Complete with camera, mp3 player, and directions , I take off.
He forgot to tell me where I was going, but did draw a nice map... So much to my surprise, the waterfront he had spoke of, was the waterfront made Famous all those years ago by THAT boat that landed on THAT rock.
While I did not attempt the exercise portion of this program, I did get quite a few pictures as I walked up and down the street... Ever so much looking like the Tourist!!
Here is where I was going to run...
And here is a replica of THAT vessel......
That landed on this shore.....
And hit this ROCK....

I swear, I have been sooooo disillusioned for many years!! I thought The Landing At Plymouth Rock, was ..... well........ Like the boat actually landed on this massive iceberg size rock.
But no, here it "supposedly" is. A boulder the size of beanbag chair....
not to start fussing....

See, that's one of the reasons I wanted to become a trucker all those years ago...what awesome sights you get to see!!
And, now I will admit my history/geography illiteracy...I didn't know Plymouth Rock was in in MA...or I never really thought about it. My history teacher mom would freak out if she heard that!
That's THE rock?!
Hey Sally, I think your blonde is showing... hee hee
And YES Lioux, that is THE rock... No bigger than a coffee table!! Does this mean you were disillusioned as well??
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