Homer Knows Best.... NOT
So this week, has been another good one as far as work is concerned with only a few conflicts, but after several years on this dedicated account, I am well equipped to resolve these issues before they become major..
The weather has been absolutely beautiful all week!! My first day of deliveries included a stop in Long Island City, NY.... Mecho Shade.
The original load list does not include customer names, just locations. So when I saw LIC, NY I immediately thought of two locations... After receiving my manifest, I noticed the customer in LIC and I began to laugh...This particular location was a corporate office!! We used to deliver to this address..... years ago!!! But since, they have opened two newer warehouses. One in Brooklyn, and another in Edison, NJ... The LIC location has no warehouse and is very difficult for a BIG TRUCK to get too, hence the new warehouses...Okay, so its Sunday when I noticed the itinerary, naturally no one is in the office. But I like to leave messages.. I LOVE to leave messages!!!! Any time there is a minor issue, I love to leave messages for Homer, just to see how he will handle the situation. 95% of the problems, I will end of resolving myself with no help from the Boss!! But I still love to leave those messages...Anything to make his Monday a little more plea(stressful)sant!!
My message left was simple. " I am concerned about this delivery because the address listed is a corporate office.. We have not delivered to this address in over 4 years.. Could you please confirm the delivery address before lunch on Monday and let me know..Thanks"Of course, I did not hear back from him and so I placed another call Monday morning to remind him of the assistance I needed. Homer likes to give answers based on assumptions, rather then facts, so it is not wise to trust his judgement.. He has never been in a Truck and has not met any of the customers, so does not understand their needs!!
I quickly placed the call myself and confirmed that the delivery address was a mistake and Edison NJ would be expecting me on Wednesday... So I just let it ride.. Issue resolved!! By the end of the day, Homer phones in and leaves a message claiming I should make the delivery as listed on the manifest... See, what I mean... Mecho Shade has confirmed with me the desired location, but Homer is still insisting I take the metal to the Corporate Office!! Not to mention, the original delivery was scheduled for early Monday afternoon, and he did call me back until after 4pm..
I continued on with my delivery schedule and with the exception of backtracking to Edison, NJ, I am finished by Tuesday Afternoon....It felt so good to be back on schedule.. the past few weeks were taking their toll on my nerves, not to mention the weather adding extra delays!!On Tuesday afternoon, Homer manages to get a hold of me and with concern in his voice he states, " I need you to go back to LIC and pick up that metal and take it to Edison.... That WAS the wrong delivery address!!"
Gotcha covered Bossman!! " I made a few phone calls myself and everything is as it should be!! I will be in Edison in the morning..."
"Thanks Terry, I can always count on you!!"
This is just a small example of his inability to function in his current position... Add another 15 loads per week and multiply that times 52 weeks in a year for 4 years.... The drivers don't get enough credit for the issues we resolve without his help. The Aluminum Co is aware however and this was one of the contributing factors to the recent decision to bring in a new transportation company....
My dad's nickname is Homer.
But Lioux, does he look like Homer??? My Boss does!!
He kinda does. Just a little less yellow.
My Boss has even got the yellow thing going for him.. Okay maybe it is just pale white... Hmmmm I wonder if I could get him to let me post a photo of him... I mean the likeness is mind boggling (did I spell that right??)
I Love, Love, Love playing Boggle®™©™.
I prefer Jenga ..... with a bunch of soused friends!!
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