Mar 30, 2007

Birdie Birdie In The Sky.....

Why don't you go poop on someone else's car....

I am not talking about a blessing from the skies, that just happened by coincidence...

There is a feathery little culprit lurking about the place, and he is sooooo vain... And territorial too!!

Every week, when I come home, I park Sally in the same spot, same position, same everything....And every week I get the same thing.. This has been going on for about 2 months now..

It seems the little birdie discovered my side view mirrors. He perches on the door and admires himself... Shortly, he will begin to attack the birdie in the mirror... He gets angry , too.

So angry that he poops all over himself and my car and then spreads it around while doing battle with his alter ego.. Silly little birdie!!

Do you think I should tell him that the "Objects in Mirror are Closer Than They Appear"

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