If A Tree Falls In The Forest...
...and no one is around to hear it, does it still make a sound?

That is exactly what happened to me only FIVE HOURS after I got back in Frankentruck. Sweet little Frankentruck, who was doing his best to not disappoint me.
I was minding my own business, heading north on Interstate 95 through South Carolina. It was late evening, so the sun had already vanished from the sky. The rural areas of South Carolina are densely populated with pine trees, therefore the night sky is even darker. I could clearly see the tail lights of the Big Rig less than a quarter of a mile in front of me. There was absolutely no indication of any obstacles blocking the Interstate as the lead truck had not so much as tapped his brakes.
In a split second, there is a horrific noise as my windshield is filled with pine branches. It all happened in less than 2 seconds. Thankfully, I am not one of those who panics, and I was able to stay the course. There was a car just about to pass me and he was able to clear the obstruction because my initial reaction was NOT to swerve. In fact, he never even tapped his brakes until after I collided with the evergreen.
I quickly made my way to the shoulder of the road to assess my damage, but not before grabbing the CB microphone to alert other truckers of the debris. Too late! Two other trucks ran through the remnants, but lucky for them, I had obliterated the mass of potential lane blockage. After a quick summation of the destruction, I eased further down the road into a rest area. It was there I stumbled upon the preambulatory driver. He asked what happened? I asked why he did not mention the *#@$#!% tree that was blocking the road. He knew nothing of its existence, and I did (and do) believe him. His previous actions did not indicate that anything was even remotely near the asphalt. We determined that the tree must have been falling at the moment I was passing through, because I did not run over it. Had I done that, I would have flat tires, busted wheels, defective brakes and missing airlines.
The severe damage was limited to the right front end of my hood. It also managed to knock both the spot mirror and passenger side mirrors loose. I had pine straw wedged under my wiper blades and under the tank straps and a dozen smaller branches pushing out of every crevice visible..
The good news is that nothing had happened to the braking system, the tires , or the engine/radiator. So while I impacted, I was mobile!! The bad news...
I WILL BE IN A SPARE TRUCK NEXT WEEK !! argghghghhhhhh!! That is 4 trucks in 4 weeks, bringing the total to ?? 40 swaps in 28 months?? But who is counting.
Terry, your becoming as amazing as Nascar's 4-time series champion Jimmie Johnson is to me. JJ showed the world last season he weren't no quitter by finishing his races & getting the job done, & yeah,..just like you Terry, JJ finished a lil battered & bruised sometimes, but he never failed to deliver when it came time to getting the job done. He has been leading the way in his great sport with his positive (mostly vanilla) attitude,..much to me in the same way you do in 18 wheeled Trucking. You just Do It!
There were so many different ways that tree collision coulda turned out tho, I'm glad you & your truck were (mostly) okay.
You know Eric, One second either way could have been disasterous. A moment before could have been detrimental to the tires, brakes and airlines, leaving me stranded on the side of the road. A moment later would have put the tree in my trailer, almost guaranteeing that the tarp kit and freight would have damaged and once again immobilized me. Yep, talk about perfect timing!!
Terry, you were calm, you stayed relaxed & kept yer cool, were as some drivers would have spazzed & made it much worse, give yerself a pat on da back for me will ya please, you da Girl! ;-]
Glad you're okay Terry. Sorry to hear about ol' Frankie though. And he just got outta the Volvo hostipal, too.
Whatever you do, don't let those damn stooges repair your truck. They'll probably give the new motor to Mayor's truck, replace it with a junk engine. But if it's going to Volvo, tell the mechanics to WASH THEIR HANDS if they gotta be inside of the cab.
It would seem, all drivers have a way with words! Always a joy to read!!
One of your labels is "bad luck" for this post. I say good luck because that thing could have peirced the windshield or cab.
JOhn II, The Mayor also received a new motor so there is no worries there :-) I do not have a problem with the Stooges doing lite work on the truck, I just dont like them touching the technical stuff. It will get repaired at our shop, and the guys are really good at fabrication, trailer repair and basic maintenance, so I am not worried about them screwing this up!
TY~Joe, You know, Most drivers are really good with pictures too. You think it might be our strong personalties, or the fact that we see and relate differently than others?
Steve, you are absolutely right. I was very lucky !!
Sure Glad that you're ok. I know that area and have always prefer to drive it at night. Too boring to drive it durning the day. Timing is everything thru there.
Terry, all I can say is congratulations!! You did everything correctly and no one was hurt.
Training and common sense took over and you did it like a professional! Way to go. I am sorry though that you have to drive in a loaner. That always sucks.
Keep trucking and be safe!
BigMACK (AKA Jason HIlton)
Today's Walk, Thanks for your concern. Your are absolutely right. That is a tough stretch to driver during the day because of the monotony..But this was one surprise I do not wish to repeat any time soon!
Hello Jason!
That is one of the things I have been blessed with, having the good sense to remain calm. You know it is those split second over reactions that get people severely injured or killed on these highways. Glad to have you reading!!
Terry, how long will your truck be in the shop before the hood is repaired?
P.S. Here's some new names and ID numbers for truck #247:
-#187 (police ID number for murder, like the movie "Demolition Man")
-'The Beast'
-'Custer', as in "Custer's Last Stand"
-'Dammit' Actually that's a good name because when the truck is doing something wrong or not functioning right, you'll shout, "Dammit, you stupid truck!Get going!"
-'I Quit' Another good name when the truck messes up and you've had it up to here and then you say, "That's it, I Quit!" (Kinda funny when it's pronounced in two very different ways.)
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