Jan 21, 2010

WOYM # 20

What is your greatest, yet private passion?

Hmm, not sure what exactly you mean by private? By as far as my greatest passion that is unknown , that is easy.

My greatest passion is acting. Theatrics. Drama. I want to be a thespian!! This started at a very young age when I would perform entire stories to the viewing audience of about 50 stuffed animals. It followed me through highschool, and if I had a regular job that did not require travel, I would almost guarantee you would find me on a stage performing for the local population.

As a child, I would play act for hours, and to this day I can still recite most of those vinyl albums from memory. My school did not offer a drama program until my Junior year, but I jumped at the opportunity. We performed at a National Competition and took second place. My senior year, Mr Hope (the drama coach) encouraged me to chase the dream, as he felt I had great potential. But life was full of changes at that time, and I never pursued it. I still enjoy watching the local theatre troupe performing, but a part of me still longs to be on the stage. And when the day comes that I park my rig for good, I fully expect to find my name on a cast list, even if it is a small community production.

Ask me anything

1 comment:

John II said...

Hey there, Terry.
I took a drama class during my senoir year at high school. That was my one of my favorite classes. It helped me to express my all my behavors and emotions at a time of teenage rebellion.
That and the fun part where I got to play a hero and rescue the damisel in distress on more than one occation. :D But then again, it all acting.
A few years ago, my friend volunteered and got to be in a play called "Jesus Christ: Superstar" and she was just awesome. My other friends and I were literally blown away by the performance she did as well as the other actors.
Ya know, if you were in a play, even if it was for one night and you went all out with your heart, soul, sweat and tears performing on stage, I'd give you one hell of an encore and standing ovation. And I think people would agree with me on that. ;)