Local Deliveries
This week I had the privilege of running local all week, which means lots and lots of home time.. I say local (390 miles round trip) because I am normally travelling in excess of 2000 miles in a single trip, with a total of 10+ deliveries..
Local deliveries , however consist of only one stop at a predetermined aluminum plant to pick up all of the loose scrap metal, which we then bring back to our plant to be melted down and extruded. (Why am I posting this??) Because I always get a kick out of watching my trailer go sky high. And I wanted to share the experience with you..

Or maybe, I just have nothing else to say at this point... It seems I might have stumbled on that "Bloggers Block" that plagues my brother from time to time..
A position you try to avoid at all costs, while driving, I'm sure. Cool pic!
I went shopping this week and bought 4 Christmas presents. One of them was for you. A big sale. Also, I finally finished the peanut M&M's and as I am off this week to Alabama to deal with Daddy's estate, I am going back on Weight Watchers. I went to a meeting yesterdaay and weighed, *#*! It wasn't pretty. sami
Thank LID!! I am a picture taking fool. I got several stranges looks while taking that one...
Hey Sami,
I hope that means I am on the Holiday guest list again!! *hee hee* I applaud your discipline on making those M&Ms last so long. I would have finished them off in 1 week.G has my email address, so write anytime, I woud love to hear from you!!
That is a cool picture.
I wanna play with all the cool toys at your work. I bet I could drive a rig real good.
Hey Mike, did you notice the front end loader in the bottom of the picture?? I am only as tall as the wheel.. BIG TOYS.. Yeah you could have loads of fun!! Let me know when you want to go for a drive!!
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