Jan 27, 2007

27 Reasons to Watch Where You Step!!

In my quest for a leaner body, I have begun to walk 5 miles a day. Lucky for me, only a quarter of a mile from home there is a lovely little pond with a 1/2 mile walking trail that encircles it.

It is a very beautiful walk indeed, with exotic grasses and ornamental trees planted to help beautify the area.

On several occasions, I have witnessed wildlife frolicking about the pond., but I have yet to capture any images on camera. Deer, beaver, squirrels, woodpeckers, and today I viewed the newest creature to take up residence . A Blue Heron. He was gorgeous and so graceful.

I hated to disturb him, but after all I am on a fitness quest. Every time I got close to him, he would glide to the opposite side of the water and gaze intently at me. After several laps, he finally found a spot he felt comfortable in and no longer fled as I drew closer. I should tell you about the time I stumbled upon a doe and her fawn. I got so close to them that I could have touched her. But she was frightened away when a bicyclist approached!
Yes, I am a regular little "Snow White"
While the walk was very lovely indeed. I was a bit dismayed to find the local canine community had defaced the pathway... 27 Times!! The pathway itself is a strip of asphalt roughly 8' wide. On the pond side is an average of 15' of earth leading down to the water, and the opposite side of the walkway is a vast expanse of forest and fields... But yet the pathway was a minefield of poop!! Uggghhhhhh!!


LID said...

With two dogs, a cat and a baby, I can truly appreciate your dilemma! People who don't pooper scoop = inconsiderate scum! Harsh but true!

Angel said...

Lazy dog owners. My dog poops in my yard and only we are in danger of a sole full.

I have been accused of the snow white syndrome myself with cats coming out of nowhere to me as well as bunnies and other animals. I wonder if they aren't threatened by our size or we give off a 'I won't hurt you' ora. Hmm.

Sounds nice.

Love Bears All Things said...

Thanks for reading and commenting on my blog. I think Koalas are marsupials but don't quote me on that.

Ginger said...

Were there geese in the pond? Because I know that they are terribly dirty and never scoop.

Terry said...

LID, while I was a bit appalled by the lack of consideration for others, I guess I can always look at the bright side- My 5 mile walk turned into an obstacle course, surely I burned more calories!!

Angel- You know you might have a point!! We "little people" are less intimidating... Hmmmmm

Hey Sami, glad to see your back!!

And G, no I have not noticed any geese. I do suspect that blue heron did contribute, and no I didnt see a scoop in his vicinity either..*hee hee*