Jan 12, 2007

The Blizzard Of '07

Last week, a few folks I know were tempting the gods with idle talk of such beautiful weather during the winter season. A veritable "Snow Dance" if you will...

While I myself am looking forward to that wondrous concoction of fluffy rain, I am aware that others are not so excited about its arrival.. As I mentioned in a previous post, I did encounter a few flurries along I-81 in Virginia.. To hear the truckers tell it.. "It's whiteout conditions down there, Be Careful!!" Oh those silly truck drivers!!

I was very anxious to experience my first heavy snowfall of the year, but was once again sorely disappointed... You cant believe anything a truck driver tells you!! When I got to the scene of the winter wonderland, or where it was suppose to be anyway , all I found was a few flurries. I mean V E R Y F E W. And that only lasted about 20 miles. No accumulation whatsoever!!

At least I was able to spawn a little bit of revenge from those mis-informed weather reports!!


LID said...

Ah, you know those weather reports are never right! *wink* *wink*
And yeah, now I'm freezin' my damn butt off due to my thinned out blood. *curses*

Angel said...

Hey, despite long island dad's talk of that four letter word the weather has held for a bit. We're due for a change at this rate but here's to hoping we don't. If we do, lets get it over with before March and finally enjoy the beginning of spring why don't we?

Terry said...

I hear you !! My tulips are already trying to grow!! I dont miss the dreariness that comes with winter, but I do love the S**W!! I was deprived as a child. *hee hee*