Jan 12, 2007

Take It To The Limit...one more time

Do you know why Indiana is so windy????

Because Illinois blows and Ohio sucks!! Just kidding

But Indiana was not the place to be this week. I was travelling through on Wednesday and what a day it was.

So here goes, a man goes into work and went postal on his co-workers, killing 4 others I believe.. So traffic was a bit congested in town with all the officers trying to respond...

Then a car blows out a tire and cuts off an Eighteen Wheeler loaded with steel rods. The truck hit the bridge embankment to avoid colliding with the car. Needless to say, the impact was devastating.

Next, another truck driver falls asleep while traveling down the interstate and ends up in the ditch.

Although the driver made it out okay, the truck looks pretty rough don't you think??
But on a lighter note, while waiting for traffic to clear a few people were getting a little restless. Eager to proceed, one of the drivers of a nice new Lexus decides to take a short cut. Right through the center median he goes in an attempt to make a U-turn. He would have made it too. If the ground had not been saturated and the incline wasn't so steep. But he didn't!! And we all gave him a big "Thumbs Up" gesture as we drove away. Leaving him to sit and wait for his own tow truck!!


Angel said...

LOL.... patience is a virtue that few people have these days.

Terry said...

Whats funny is that several drivers contemplated making the same move, but the guinea pig convinced them otherwise..

Love Bears All Things said...

Thanks for the laugh about the wind. I even had to share that one with Papa Bear.

Terry said...

Hey Mama Bear, thanks for checking in. Glad you both enjoyed the laugh.. Hope all is well

Mike said...

YOu gotta love losers in nice cars. And I guess you get to see plenty of them on the open road.