Aug 24, 2007

Fessing Up......

I feel really bad about all that whining I did on last Tuesday!

You see, I am a bit spoiled. When it comes to Truckin, well, I pretty much have it made.

3Day weekend... every week

Same route= same customers= acquiring some really wonderful friendships over the years.

Familiarity often lends to the nature of Customers going out of their way to accommodate the needs of this little trucker.

Food, gifts, and extended hours...

No waiting... Our customers unload us on arrival..We have priority over random deliveries.

Same route = no trip planning, the truck can almost navigate on it's own.

I have seen some beautiful places I would never otherwise stumbled upon.

No brokering or waiting on dispatch to find me a load home.. When I am empty, I am headed home!!

All the customers adore me!!

Most of the Truckers treat me as a celebrity of sorts.... It is not often to see a petite female handle a flatbed and still maintain a nice physical appearance and demeanor. Yeah, some Truckers are assholes, but I try not to judge the whole lot of them for one bad apple on occasion.

I am sure there are several more things I could mention, but my point is this.

Last Tuesday (in a 42 hour period) I was on break for 33 HOURS!! I was restless and bored, and well, just being ungrateful.. Shame on me!! This does not happen very often! The long breaks.....

So, today, I made a quick buck or two by driving 300 miles BobTail (without a trailer) just to pick up an empty trailer and return home.... Nothing like a nice drive in the country......And the extra moola will be useful!!


Mike said...

No worries. Sometimes it takes a little whining and self-pity to remember the good stuff we have going.

That or just call on Spider/Chicken Foot/Underwear Face Man and he will defeat your enemies and bring you flowers and a SACK LUNCH!|

lioux said...

I didn't think you were being all that whiny.

But I can relate, if I'm not constantly doing something I get that way too.

Terry said...

Mike, I am laughing too hard to respond to you at the moment... Those chicken feet are like freaking me out at the moment!!

Thanks Lioux, I needed to hear that cuz I felt totally whiny!! And after 33 hours of mundane(ness) well, it had to go somewhere... :)