Aug 16, 2007

Enough is Enough

With all that goes on in the Truckin Industry, inevitably you run into situations where you just can't take anymore..

I know, everything is looking good for the future...New Company, new truck, new boyfriend, etc..

But here is a tale, I hope you enjoy.

Last week, the first week with the new company, we were given temporary trucks to use until our new ones were delivered. Mine had it's quirks, which surprisingly did not annoy me as much as I had anticipated.. Truth be known, the lack of CB radio was actually quite peaceful the first week!! However, the week itself was very exhausting. On the other hand, the noise level is extremely loud... This truck has over 600, ooo miles on it and accordingly is quite worn out. Oh well!

On Wednesday evening, I had to make a short trip to Geneva, Alabama. On the way, I noticed my fuel gauge began to drop dramatically. I stopped to check for leaks... None found. I physically checked the fuel level (sometimes those silly gauges are not so precise) and found that I was indeed low of fuel. No problem.. My new Corporate Service Center just happens to be on the way.

I check my employee guide book and with directions in hand, proceed to the service center. Upon arrival, I find that the gates are locked, there is no security guard on duty, all the lights are out and there is a huge sign stating " No Admittance 6PM to 6AM..

HUH?? You are kidding , right? This is the headquarters....

I walk the fence line (it is 2AM) to try and locate anyone who can help me get some fuel as I am dangerously low. No such luck!! I then make the decision that I am not going to let this get to me. With no remorse whatsoever, I head off to my delivery destination, 50 miles away on a two lane county road... I arrived with no problems and went to bed.

The next morning, I had to move my truck... As I put it into dies!! Knowing it is a futile attempt, I try to crank it up anyway and YES, I was definitely out of fuel...

Surprisingly, my attitude was...."Who gives a flying rat's arse?" I phone in to my New Boss and fill him in on the situation.

Of course, all the standard questions were asked. "Why did you not get fuel, Why did you not go by the service center, why why WHY????"

I explained the scenario of the previous nights events and another truck was immediately dispatched to my rescue.

Here is the funny part.. The directions in the employee guide book are for the rear entrance. The front gate is 2 blocks away on a separate road.... There is no sign on this gate indicting that there was another entrance...It is accessible 24 hours a day...

Hmmmm, don't you think that information would be useful to print in the guide book, you know, for us new employees who don't have a clue.

Ironically, this whole situation did not bother me in the least.... I did not care whatsoever!! In fact, it was quite funny to me... Like I said before, sometimes you just reach those limits and all you can do is laugh....


maddie said...

wow. that is bizarre with headquarters. and how annoying not to have a cb. i'm glad to see you survived, though. any word on when you get your new fancy smancy truck?

Terry said...

Last week... I mean this week.... Who knows at this point, but they need to hurry it up.. This truck is tooooo small and noisy!!

Mike said...

What do you want to bet they change that for the next version of the handbook?

Terry said...

Actually Mike, I believe I am the first driver to point out the obvious under such conditions...I doubt that they will change the book, but so far, it is the only thing I have found wrong with this New Trucking CO.

Ginger said...

ON the positve side aren't you glad you didn't run out of fuel on the road, in the middle of nowhwere, Alabama?