Mar 5, 2010

# 44 ~ Anonymous

I have recently read on truckers blogs that you are successful trucking safety advocate, yet you don't comment on any of them. Don't you feel like you should at least stand up and take some credit for all your efforts instead of just laying low?

There is a pretty good reason that I do not ever comment on those supposed blogs. I have, in no way, EVER presented myself to be a trucking safety advocate, much less a successful one. Therefore, there is no need for me to take any credit for efforts made, because in fact, I do not agree with some of the self proclaimed advocates you find floating around on different web-sites. But then you already know this, and I find your attempts to turn me into a hypocrite very amusing :-)

I would be curious as to which blogs in particular you are referring to. It might be useful in having a few links, so that I may check out exactly what is being said about me. If anyone has seen websites or blogs referring to me as a Trucking Safety Advocate, please feel free to pass along the info.

As for safety in the industry, we have regulations in place to govern most of the trucking industry. As far as individuals are concerned, we are all adults so therefore we should be able to police our own actions. Some folks have a harder time doing this, but it is not for me to lay blame.

I think Advocacy for Safety in the Trucking Industry is a much needed thing, but I am not the one to propose it. A few of the individuals I have read who are working under this self proclaimed title are, in my opinion, very hypocritical. Now, why would I claim to be a part of that?

I have been in the industry for over a decade, and have had very few issues to overcome. I take my own personal safety very serious... Everyone else would be wise to do as well, because no one is going to hold your hand. Lets face it, just because you share a career, does not mean everyone in that field is your friend. Use some common sense, people.

With that being said, the only efforts I make in my chosen profession, is to do the best job I possibly can. I also try to represent my company in a very positive fashion. And when I see someone in need of a little assistance, I will be sure to offer a hand.

Ask me anything

1 comment:

John II said...

HA!HA!HA! That's pretty funny, Doomy.