Mar 5, 2010

# 46 ~ Anonymous

How does it make you feel when you hear of women truckers who use their breasts to get what they want in the trucking industry instead of pulling their own weight and earning it the honest way like everyone else?

The best part about my job, is that I am the only woman hauling for my account. I find it very offensive to my gender when another female uses the sexuality card to get ahead of the game. Being the only female, I do not have to tolerate such behavior, which means I do not have worry about expressing my beliefs on this matter. Ladies who work for other companies, well that is a different story. I still find it degrading, but because it does not affect me personally, I usually let it slide.

There was one time when I was traveling eastbound on Hwy 78 through Mississippi. I was listening in to a conversation that a female driver was having with 3 male drivers. At first, there was just a slight flirtation, but it was not long before she was suggesting a group gathering...I decided to take a few back roads to get away from the crowd, because I had already had 2 other drivers ask me if I was the woman making the offers. I trailed off on the back roads through Natural Bridge, Al, and by the time I made it down to Jasper I heard the faintest conversation coming through my CB. It was the hot to trot driver and her posse of horny toads. I gave them about 10 more minutes of airtime, in which I heard her declining to pull over and service the fellas. They were beginning to get rude with her at this point. After I listened as long as I could stand to, I made my presence known to the radio crowd. Let me just say that my rant on the radio was not one I ever care to repeat.

I quickly suggested they find another channel to broadcast on, but the woman claimed the guys were antagonizing her, and she just wanted to be rid of them. I absolutely lost it !!

I bluntly told her that I did not appreciate her antics at all. The first reason was that she was portraying female drivers in a negative light, and I was a hard working gal who preferred not to have that stigma placed on me. Then I reminded her that if she was going to act like a whore on the radio, offering sexual gratification, that she should not be offended if a few men were eager to take her up the offer. I continued to be very rude and informative about how I felt about her actions. In the end, she apologized to me for playing that role on the radio, claiming she would have never acted on it. I then told her she should apologize to the guys she was taunting. She did that as well, but they didn't readily accept her apology. However, there were other drivers listening in who also were relieved that I had spoken my piece. It was none of my business whether she wanted to sleep with the whole group, and I was not judging her for that. My problem with her behaviour was that she was playing the role of the whore, but then she was offended that the men were willing to take her up on the offer. When the boys got serious about her seduction, she claimed they were targeting her and being pigs.

We had been listening in for at least an hour, so there was no denying what she had offered, even if she had no intentions of following through. I, myself, have never been desperate enough for a driving buddy to behave in such a manner.

Another example.. I met a lady driver out in California, years ago. She was at a receiver, and on the radio asking someone to back her trailer into the door. I did not think anything of it at the time. She was using a very seductive voice, but not offering any favors..she was just using her femininity to her advantage. Later, I met her in the drivers lounge and she told me that in 7 years of driving, she had never once backed her trailer into a dock. She said she didn't know how and it was just easier to get the boys to do it for her. She had other drivers do it. She had the yard guys do it. She even had forklift operators climb in her truck and back it in.

It was right then and there I decided that I would know my job inside and out. I would learn every aspect of how to drive that truck. I spent hours in empty truck stops teaching myself how to back up into the lined parking spots. I would not count on my feminine wiles to help me succeed. I am very grateful I ran into her 12 years ago, because I now consider myself to be a very accomplished, professional driver. I never balk at the challenge, I just take a deep breathe and do what must be done...Plus, I like to show the boys, just how easy it is... So easy, even a GIRL can do it....

It is my practice to use my charm and personality. I like to tell funny stories. I like to make people laugh. If I am told I will have to wait, I accept that , and I never get hateful or rude with customers. If I am due for a DOT inspection, I will be courteous and humorous throughout, if the Officer has a friendly personality, but I have NEVER used my shape, cleavage, or a wiggle to secure certain advantages.

Ask me anything


doomytunes said...

People sure do like to ask you a lot of questions. Where's Barbra Walters?

Bonnie said...

LT: Very glad you know your job inside an out! Can't believe that another female had to have someone else back her truck in for her...Also read the other posts go'in back to the bubble gum machine...Also agree with what you told that gal on the CB radio...Like you I represent my company, not with my appearance BUT with what I say, an how I carry myself...An I do both with a great deal of pride!! I've had SEVERAL Owner/Operators come up to me at a Truck Stop an ask me what I'm doing, cause I've got my hood open an I'm filling both tanks, I've very nicely told them that I'm checking my vehicle out stem to stern an making sure that everything is operating properly. Another guy that was within ear shot said, "wht do you do about your tires"! I said, "well, before you got out of your truck I was already walking around thumping my tires, making sure I didn't have a flat so I could keep on roll'in"...One of them had a new driver with him, an I heard him say, "you see that gal, take a look at what she's doing, an you do the same an you'll be driving a long time". My Dad taught me that even though something is given to you on loan, you treat it like you bought it an it will last you a long time! That's what I've done with EVERY truck that I've driven. An if I don't know something, I ask questions an listen to the answers given back to me. I don't hang out with the newbies at the truck stop. I usually hang around the older guys, the one's that know how to treat a lady, like a lady, and I will ALWAYS come away with a ton of information that I can actually use. Keep up the Good work Litte Trucker!!

John II said...

We all know you're a straight shooter, Terry, and you're right. There are a few women out there in the work force who use body language and a sultry voice to get things done for them. Unfortunately for most guys, they're dumb enough to do it and then expect a reward, just like a doggy who wants a treat.

TruckerRich said...

Well done. I've meet both kinds... Its great to see women representing the industry like you do. There are may capable women drivers out there and a few that, just like some men shouldn't be on the road. Great blog, Thanks... Please delete or ignore my last comment,. I really need to check my spelling and grammar before hit that submit button. Honest I only had one beer (at home on my days off)...