May 26, 2008

Trigger Happy

Well, I thought it was those pesky exhaust fumes that were making me so irritable, but it seems that I am wrong. My exhaust leak was fixed with the turn of a screwdriver and yet I am still just as short fused as ever.

And everything is causing me to want to go ballistic. Stupidity, ignorance, redundancy, playing dumb, making excuses....... Everything....

I wish I could figure out what is causing this angst, because it is getting on my nerves along with everything else..

As a matter of fact, this past weekend we had a family cook-out during which I got a little mouthy on more than one occasion. Two of the people who took the brunt of my wrath are very emotional and probably got their feelings hurt, although I did not intend for that to happen.

Usually, I am pretty good at keeping myself in check....... But recently, nah, I just let er rip....I hope this tirade ends soon, because I feel really horrible for being so critical. It just isn't me.


~~Lily~~ said...

I occasionally get the same way to where I just have so much crap pent up the littest things just set me off it tends to pass after a few weeks I usually just apologize to people in advance & say I am having a bad week or weeks...I hope your passes soon

Unknown said...

I think my crankiness has been due to not having an actual spring season here. It seems like we jumped from rainy and cold to outright hot. No nice warm mild days to ease us into summer. At last that's what I'm going to blame it on, it can't be that I'm just turning into a cranky biddy

Terry said...

Thanks Lily! I am sure it will, but it is just so annoying!

Ha Gabs! No that can't be it at all! Okay, so i will buy into your theory (for you) but I am still enjoying cooler temps.. I just dread the impending humidity lurking in the days to come...Maybe it is just My Time of the mon(year)th.....