Sep 14, 2007

That Sally Sure Is A Sweet Ride......

Lately I have spent alot of time complaining about stuff, so today I thought I would take an alternative approach.

Instead of complaining, maybe I should list what I am thankful for, Right...?? Okay , I will give it a try.

I am Thankful that I found out today that there were several things that I have yet to be compensated for concerning work. Things totalling up to about $300.oo. My direct deposit was short the past few weeks, and rather than be upset about this.... I feel better knowing that they just have not found the time to take care of it, you know, rather than trying to short change me!
And on the same note, my pay rate is based on miles driven and stops delivered, however, my paystub reflects HOURLY wages...... I have to request each week, to be notified of what they are paying me for... Believe me, I have driven several miles that were never paid!! Got to keep an eye of those folks.

I am also Thankful that the sutures that have come untied on my thumb, are the ones close to the shallow end of the cut. Maybe it will be able to remain closed and heal properly.

I am also Thankful for JACKS restaurants.. We do not have them in Georgia, they seem to be local to Bama only. So whenever I head over for a visit, inevitably I have to stop at Jacks and get a Swiss Mushroom Burger... I am Thankful that they agreed to make it without onions... I am thankful that the cook acknowledged "NO ONIONS"... I am Thankful for the yummy milkshakes that they have. I drove 3.7 miles off the interstate just to get a burger and shake..

I am Thankful for the two pillowcases and few shop towels that were in my trunk. When I dumped the entire milkshake into my car, those rags came in handy!!

I am Thankful for Summer being over, otherwise with all that sugary goodness I dumped into Sally, I would have a shitload of ants by the time I got home next week.. I will have to keep my fingers crossed on that one.... Still a possibility.

I am Thankful for having $3.03 to purchase another milkshake!! This time I checked to make sure the lid was secure.

I am Thankful that I did not sit down in the parking lot and cry my eyes out, even though I REALLY wanted to.

I am Thankful that by the time I got around to opening my burger, I was no longer hungry... Because it had NO MUSHROOMS, but plenty of onions.



*~*Cece*~* said...

Thank you for this post. Seriously, Thank you. I think with day to day life we all loose sight, except for the 3rd week in November, of all the daily things we should be thankful for. Reading a post like this has made me stop and take inventory of how great "regular" stuff is.

I think, thanks to you, that I will do a once a month What I am Thankful For post.

Hope you're having a great weekend!

Mike said...

What a trip.

I KNOW I would have cried. Even in a Ford

Anonymous said...

Good for you! You didn't let it get you down. We are supposed to be thankful for even the crap in our life.
Mama Bear

Terry said...

Cece, I am glad i inspired you!!

Oh, Mike, I am still on the verge...*sniff~sniff*

It was tough Mama Bear, but I was on my way to see your grands, so I had to keep it together!!