Feb 14, 2008

Careful, My RoadRage is Showing

I would like to dedicate this post to South Carolina, and all you other idiots who do not respect the highways.

It seems I have more problems with traffic in South Carolina than in any other state. Not accidents, but just plain ol' stooooopid drivers. I have always declared I-85 in SC to be the worst stretch of road for idiots to hang out on, and this is true every single week with no exceptions. Everyone wants to hang out in the center lane talking on the cell phone and not maintaining a consistent speed. And it is not just the automobile drivers, but the Truckers as well.

Does South Carolina cast some sort of stupid spell on its inhabitants of the roadway??? So, it seems.

Today, I would like to address being courteous. A lot of State Departments have signs posted on the interstates to advise drivers to "Move Over or Slow Down " when passing anything official parked on the side of the interstate. Be it an emergency vehicle or just Mr Smokey writing a citation for a speeding vehicle. Typically, most Truck Drivers are looking far enough ahead to notice anything sitting on the shoulder and will adjust accordingly, if the four wheelers will co-operate. However, there are some idiot truckers who do not give plenty of clearance to the Officer on the shoulder, and I have seen them get chased down and fined for not doing so. That cracks me up. Stupid Truckers crack me up!! PERIOD !!

So, yesterday, when I was making my final descent towards home, there was a brokedown fourwheeler, along with tow-truck and assisting officer on the side of the road. I noticed them from about a half mile distance. I put on my blinker and eased to the edge of my lane to let the passing cars know I wanted over..... It is called a TURN SIGNAL... It signals my intended direction!!! During the course of this half mile stretch, there were at least 15 four wheelers that accelerated to pass me, not allowing me to give clearance to the situation on my right.

There are FIVE signals on each side of my Truck. Surely, they saw at least one of them. Right? Of course they did! That is why they gassed on it. To get around the big truck who wanted in the left lane for no apparent reason... By the time we reached the incident, the only courtesy I could give was to slow down. Still on the edge of my lane (okay, I had eased into the left lane about a foot to intimidate the cars), I reduced my speed to roughly 45 mph (on a 70 mph interstate). But alas!, as one of the cars passed me, they begin to blow the horn, I can only assume to indicate that they were not going to let me in the lane. Now, Mr Smokey was busy protecting the tow-truck driver (Protect and Serve) but he quickly left the scene to chase down the fourwheeler who had so rudely just passed with horn blaring! Ha ha ha ha ha a.....

So, for all you idiots who don't know........you are supposed to merge with other traffic and allow plenty of clearance to any situation that may exist on the shoulder of the interstate. Don't always assume that the Big Truck is moving into the left lane just to irritate you. OMG, there might be a legitimate need for that cumbersome truck to get in the left lane. And... Most states have now posted it as a LAW which you can be fined for if you choose to disobey it! As witnessed by myself yesterday.

Freaking Retards!!


maddie said...

i hate bad drivers. where i live now, every road is a 2 lane highway and most of the road is pretty curvy. and while there are designated passing lanes, people are so impatient that they always try passing several cars on a blind turn. just this week there have been 2 fatal accidents where the idiot passing a bunch of cars has run right into the oncoming car and killed the driver of the oncoming car. makes me not want to drive with people like that on the road!

Mike said...

Freaking Retards!!

That was the name of my study group in college... I always wondered what happened to those guys. Now I know.

They are clogging up roads around Atlanta

AtHomeDaddy said...

Thank you indeed!

Terry said...

Of course, you know I mean that with the utmost love and respect!! In fact, if you were here.. I would get you a nice Sack Lunch, just to prove I care.... ha hah ahahhahah ha ha