Aug 13, 2009

Same Old Song and Dance

As you may have guessed by now, I did not get the Seattle run. It ended up loading on Monday at lunch, and with a Thursday morning delivery, there was just no way I could pull it off. 3200 miles in less than 72 hours. I am just not that ambitious anymore.

As for the rest of the story, it is truly the same old song and dance. Quick run up to New England this week. Home by Wednesday. Now that the seat has been changed out, I am no longer have leg problems. I also changed out my mattress at home, so all of my aches and pains should be a thing of the past.

I still have an ungodly amount of tension built up in my shoulders, so I bought a HoMedic Massager. Now if only I could find someone to use it on me. Oh , it works great, but it is difficult to truly relax your shoulders if you are using them to operate the device. I have even noticed that when I am running, I tend to draw up my shoulders into my ears which causes more discomfort and I have to literally remind myself to push them back down. You would be amazed at how a simple tension can zap you of your energy. As long as I push down with my shoulders, I can run fairly well, but if they climb upwards, I am noticeably more winded and less likely to meet my goal.

I have determined the exact cause of this particular phase on anxiety. In case you were not able to figure this out for yourself. ( I always seem to be the last to catch on, so I am sure you were already aware..LOL ) The latest malfunction with my truck!! The one where I lose traction. Yeah, still having those issues. I do fine until I hit the rain, or the construction zones with grooved surfaces. I hit a storm on Sunday, and after doing a little sliding around, I was overwrought with emotion. Enough is enough. But by then, the little things were setting me off.

For example, there is a certain YouTube personality that I was suppose to meet several months ago. He lives fairly close by, but after a few conversations and some very offensive emails, I discarded the notion of ever befriending him. He disappeared for a few months, then out of the blue, he sends a few text messages. I suppose because of my lack of response, he then felt the need to begin insulting me. I really could not care less what he thinks, my only concern is that he does live in the nearby vicinity. This is the type of personality I would fear. Someone whom might require a restraining order. He is just that weird. Surprisingly, I am not the only woman he has behaved in this manner with. There are several other ladies on YouTube who have been the object of his insane jealously, resulting in very offensive and insulting remarks. So, I am keeping my eyes open. This one is a fruitcake!!

but back to anxiety......

On the way home, I hit a few more areas where the truck began to slip and slid. Having driven trucks for 12 years now, I am very aware of how a truck should be behaving. Not much would make me excited or put me into a white knuckle panic mode. This particular circumstance pretty much ruins the whole trip for me as I am constantly fearful for my own safety. All it takes is one little slip and I am nervous as a cat in a room full of rockers.

This week, the solution is to order new tires and new shocks. Let's hope this helps, but I do not think I will get the new items until after next week, but I could be wrong. Just so you know, we do not stock supplies, so every repair is made after placing an order for parts.

Oh, now I am just rambling......

I do have a few potential positive elements to blog about in the very near future.....So all is not lost!


GoGo said...

Who is the angry YouTube stalker?!?

John II said...

Oh-oh. Somebody in deep trouble.

Terry said...

Well now, I am not about to go pointing fingers. I feel that this post is anonymous enough that only the people involved will know who it is. If the other ladies in question have any desire to speak up, I am sure they will. Remember that this blog is my place to vent steam, not to stir up trouble. The accused has since read this post and is asking me for specific names and proof of his behavior, once again pointing fingers and questioning MY motives...Obviously he is still hanging about because I have not mentioned one iota of trouble on the YT web-site and I have no intentions to fight a war, it is just not worth the effort. Besides, If I wanted to lay blame and start trouble, all I would have to do is leave a few comments on YouTube. The only people whom know are the ones who have approached me, and I am not sure they want their names mentioned either.

Gary said...

it almost sounds like the air in and out lines are crossed on your leveling valve causing not enough air to be put in the rear air bags. or some kind of plumbing problem back there...