Mar 20, 2009

Stick Hauler Extraordinaire

Last week, after finishing up my dedicated route for the week, I was heading home when I received a phone call from the BossMan. There had been a request for a driver to assist in the delivery of another dedicated account, and because I lived so close to the facility, the option was mine for the choosing.

I made the decision, after all, when is extra income not appreciated. So, I grabbed my truck and took off on my new mission. Originally, the information that was related to me included the knowledge that I would be hauling a load of cabinets to several locations in the Carolinas. However, by the time I reached the Dedicated Facility, the load had changed dramatically. 

The new assignment was to deliver a trailer load of inexpensive bedroom furniture to several locations in Illinois, Indiana, and Kentucky. Very small discount furniture stores, where the product had to be delivered to the front door.

Initially I had extreme reservations about completing this task. The first being that I am a petite female, and the load required that the driver tailgate the entire load... (Tailgating is the expression used when a driver has to physically move all items to the rear opening of the trailer, then to be unloaded by the customer)   Tailgating is not so bad, but bedroom furniture !!!  We are talking dressers and chests and entertainment cabinets, along with many smaller items.  Items stacked well over my head. Bulky items with a substantial amount of bulky weight....ME....a little bitty girl.......and a trailer load of furniture.  

But, oh, how I love a challenge..

 The second issue that left me cringing was the fact that it was to be delivered in Illinois.

Now, I do not have a tremendous problem with the thought of traveling through the Land Of Lincoln (the speed restrictions are frustrating) but the real concern is that when someone mentions Illinois, I automatically think of Chicago.   I know, I run New York City with an absolute fierce loyalty. So, why should Chicago be so intimidating to me. Well, to answer your question, I have spent my fair share of time in the Windy City, and just have no desire to go back. The last time I made that trip, I saw a horrible fatality happen in my immediate proximity...Watched it happen...and well, I just do not think I could revisit the scene without reliving the emotions of that.

Because I had already obligated myself to this run, I pressed on.  Whew!!  Lucky for me, Chicago was not on the route!!

I had several stops in each state, and quickly discovered that being a Stick Hauler was not so bad....Yes....I am SERIOUS.  You see, I like to work!!  I detest driving for two days to sit at a dock for hours before driving 2 more days to sit at a dock...I need activity..One of the reasons, I love my job....I have been known to tell people that I work in NYC, and I just have a really long commute to get to work.   So, you see, I really did enjoy this!  I made several stops and quickly learned the most efficient method to remove the items.  By the time it was over, I had hand delivered over 200 pieces of furniture...

Hopefully this little jewel will fall into my lap again. I told the manager of the account to give me a call anytime he had a load he needed to cover. He just happened to call back this week, while I was  in Miami, so I was unable to help.  But at least he thought of me.. He also told me that by the time I had finished delivering the load, he had already received a call asking if I could be permanently placed on this account because I was the most awesome stick hauler they had ever met..Okay, maybe that is a little extreme, but I was given recognition for a job very well done! Funny thing though, I was not looking to get recognition, I just wanted to get home, and well, I do enjoy working hard, so that made is easier for me!

I am the most awesome Stick Hauler ever!!!!


The Wondering Brit said...

The floor of that trailer looked smooth, half the trailers I use are in a terrible state.
Great Vid LT!

Jesse May said...

Dam, that is a lot of moving stuff around.... I though the one piece was going to squish you.... I did like the video!

Unknown said...

Whew, I'm tired after watching that! At least it was the inexpensive stuff so fairly light and it's cool that somebody called in to give you that amazing compliment.

Indy said...

Hey there Lil' Girl! Some of them thar boxes were biggerun you are!!!!!!!!! Dadgum. Ah ham all wore out by just watchinh ya!

Digital Fortress said...

Great job! Glad you enjoyed and were commended on a difficult task.

Backbone said...

Hi, Terry --

I've been reading--and enjoying--your blog for about a year. I'd like to post a link to your blog at ClassADrivers, if that's okay with you. Won't do it, of course, if you object.

Safe trip / million miler

Terry said...

TWB!! They do not allow anything on the floor of these trailers so they are slick as owl poop!! Easier to unload with a good floor, so NO EQUIPMENT allowed!! Plus all that shoving, kind of helps to keep it polished.

Jesse, I thought there were several pieces that were going to squish me!

Absolutely Gabby.. The good stuff would have ever made it off the top stack...

Indy....I still cannot understand a bloody thing you type/ er say...

DF....Thanks..Kind of twisted, me enjoying all that hard work, but I have always been that way!!

GO For It!! Backbone!! and Thanks

Gary said...

obviously you haven't seen MY stick hauling abilities!
nice recovery there at 1:34. i thought we were going to see a damage claim. one of our stick customers throws sand down on the floor of the trailer to assist with the sliding of the boxes.

Terry said...

Gary...yep. just found out about the silicone...Slicker than owl poop. They use it on the cabinet loads!! And I have gone down a handful of times already....Wheeeeeeeeeeeee!

Indy said...

Slicker han owl poop???????

Terry - I am getting a bit worried about you, yanno! I mean, Idon't actually recall ever testing owl poop for its ummmmm slickness!

Now ... butcher's .... never mind! LOL