Mar 28, 2009

R I P ~ Maggie

And this time I mean it.

As you may, or may not know..... Maggie is the name of my Big Truck....Er...Um  WAS the name of my Big Truck.

Maggie and I have a history together. I fell in love with her the moment I saw her. She had less than a hundred miles on her when we began our relationship. But our relationship has been a rocky one right from the start. Leaks, computer issues, suspension problems, more leaks. Something seemed to go wrong every single trip. We parted ways, due to an exhaust leak that left me too disoriented to recognize my own neighborhood. After 6 weeks, we gave it another try, because hers' was the only seat that did not cut into my short legs and cut off my circulation. 

But now....I am finished with her for good.

Last week, as has become the norm, I wrote up several issues on  my inspection report. When I returned to work 3 days later, the repairs that were supposedly made did not correct the problems. Two of our drivers have recently been terminated, so I asked if I could borrow one of the newly empty trucks to give it a test drive to Miami. After loading only the required gear, I set off  with high expectations.

This borrowed truck has now become my own. The front end did not shake, rattle or weave. The suspension did not jump erratically, and best of all....The exhaust fumes only exited through the exhaust pipe. Maggie's exhaust actually was coming into the cab of the truck through the air condition vents. So, after cranking up the borrowed truck, I turned on the air and stuck my nose deep into her ducts....NO FUMES!  That alone was reason enough to make the swap.

I am so frustrated by the experiences I have lived through in my relationship with Maggie, that I no longer care about these stupid trucks. Yes, I will clean this one up and take good care of it. 

But really, I am so over it...

This week.....The engine fault light has been coming on, and the ABS does not work properly....on the newly acquired rig....I think I will just drive this one into the ground...I cannot bear to go through this again....

Other than that...this truck seems to do okay....And I still think that not having exhaust coming through the dash is enough to make me grateful. Even if I do not sound that way, I really am!!


Love Bears All Things said...

So happy you have a better ride but what about the seat cutting into your legs? Be sure and move around. Do you stop every 2 hours and walk a little? Don't want to develop a clot in those pretty legs.
How did week one go? I finally got started yesterday. I prefer hitting the scale on Fridays.
Later friend,
Mama Bear

Gary said...

well, kinda glad you got a new truck, but what will you blog about now? lmao!
too bad about the loss of Maggie. i hate to switch trucks that i've been driving for a long time. maybe you will change your mind and adopt the new one, too!

The Wondering Brit said...

This is great news and the fault lights and ABS could be simply moisture somewhere, as long as they stay amber and not red - all is well.
Great, now pimp out you're ride and load up the photos and vids!! LOL
Cant wait to see it.

Backbone said...

Hey, Terry --

I decided not to post a link on ClassADrivers--too many nut cases over there. You'd probably be deluged with stupid, sexist comments. False alarm. Sorry. Safe trip. :)

/ million miler

Unknown said...

I was reading this post to James (I was hogging the computer and didn't want to give up the comfy chair to him, LOL) and he wanted to know how Maggie got named and what was it with women and naming their vehicles. I'm still getting ribbed about naming my bicycles.

Anyway hope the new truck is better to you!


Terry said...

Mama Bear, Actually the 280 pound man who has been driving this truck had flattened out the seat, so no worries there.

NO Gary...I do not want any emotional attachments to this truck. They are all bad (our Volvos) as far as I am concerned. I will do my best to deal with it, but that is all!

TWB..Yeah, I think the fault light is a moisture problem, but the brakes are a serious problem!

Gabby, I will email you the story/or link to Maggies story for James.

Unknown said...

Terry, after he asked I did a search for the post and told him that way he wouldn't die of curiousity!