Mama Bear tagged me to participate in this meme.... I am suppose to tag folks when I get finished, but it is hard enough to get in a post sometimes, much less run around tagging people.
So, here are Eight Random Things about Moi
1) I have an extremely addictive personality.... I am surprised really, that I am not strung out on crack or meth or even marijuana for that matter. When I do anything more than lets say 3 times, it becomes a habit for me. For instance, I can go without coffee for years. One day I will want a cup, and the next thing you know I am drinking a gallon a day. Same thing with BC Powder (powdered aspirin), I will take one for a really bad headache, and whaaaa laaaa, I end up taking one every day!! Too bad I cant seem to get addicted to some really good habits!! And, no!! I am not doing crack or meth, just used it as an example because all of your die hard addicts are usually addicted to hardcore substances!!
2) I have become quite the slob!! I can't figure this one out.. Normally, everything has its place and I keep everything neat and tidy... But here lately, I will come in from work and within hours, the place looks trashed... I intend to straighten it, but inevitably I will only relocate the mess from one location to another...
3) I was uber timid throughout my entire late teens and early twenties. No self-esteem whatsoever. I think I may have missed out on some really great things during this part of my life. I walked with my head hung low and would NEVER look anyone in the eyes... Hmmmm, what's up with that?? It is funny to see it written down in words, because now... HOLY COW, now I have something to say to anyone and everyone...I pass out smiles like they are going out of style, and heaven forbid I get in on a conversation because I will end up dominating it with my silly stories!!
4) I have a hard time saying "NO" Well, not in all aspects! But when it comes to someone dumping their personal baggage on me, well I take. Even when I am frustrated beyond belief, I just sit there and listen. I offer advice, I comfort, I sympathize, I am the ultimate free therapist!! Even if it tends to add undue stress in my life, I will still listen quietly hoping the session will end soon. I just can't say NO!!
5) I hate my job!! Not really... I do enjoy the exchange of pleasantries with all the folks up north that I deliver to on a weekly basis. I occasionally enjoy the long scenic drives... Actually, I love a good two lane road, especially in a Big Truck. The Truckers crack me up!! My hate is solely devoted to the particular Rig that I am driving. It has to be the worst piece of equipment I have ever driven...The suspension absolutely sucks!! Constant bouncing!! My boobs hurt!! And now. my road rage is starting to show!!
6) Music makes the world go round.. I love music, any music!! It will elevate me to an emotional high, or reduce me to a thoughtful low.. Whatever the song maybe.. I swear music flows thru my veins, too bad I was never any good at musical instruments!
7) I absolutely abhor roaches and beetles... Snakes, mice, and spiders do not intimidate me in the least bit. Let me see a june bug and you will see a this little girl have the biggest hissy fit known to man...
8) I am a procrastinator.. Oh wait, most of you know this by now....I have several other memes that I have been tagged on, but I will get to them later..... Ha/ha