May 7, 2009

Notice Anything Different ??

Over the course of my Truck Driving Career, I have been asked on numerous occasions why a Truck Driver would do, or not do, certain things. For example, one of the most popular questions asked is, "Why does the truck driver flash his lights and blow his horn, or push me down the road...Why will he not just pass me in the left lane and go on?" The answer is fairly obvious, if you are paying attention. There are signs posted on the majority of 6 lane interstates restricting the commercial vehicles from using the left lane.  See, how simple that was.

This evening, I finally found dry terrain as I entered New York State. I also found that the state wide speed limit of 55 mph had finally been amended to 65 mph.  This thrilled me to no end! I stepped on the throttle and continued on my much overdue journey home. I began to notice that I was rushing past the other motorists as if they were sitting still. This continued on for quite some time. I finally came to the realization that these poor chaps were unaware of the newly increased speed limit, as they all seemed to be trudging along at a very steady  mid-fifties pace.

Oh Ye inhabitants of the Land of Oblivion, I absolutely adore you. You continue to provide me with such an ample supply of entertainment as you make your way through life completely unaware of what is going on around you....And for this, I love you!!!  Sincerely, I do.

Now, get out of my way!! I have work to do!


Anonymous said...


Indy said...

Dry terrain! oh! Wow! Almost like heaven ...... except it has to STAY dry. Mind you, most of us Downunder would swap you ANY day. This bloody drought is getting tiresome! Hahahahaha

People do just drive around with their head in the clouds though, don't they??

The best part of this whole post for me?????


"Oh Ye inhabitants of the Land of Oblivion, I absolutely adore you. You continue to provide me with such an ample supply of entertainment as you make your way through life completely unaware of what is going on around you....And for this, I love you!!! Sincerely, I do.

Now, get out of my way!! I have work to do!"

You just haved a way of capturing how *** I *** feel, but haven;t the capacity to present.


cathunter370 said...

Have you noticed the same people who don't notice the speed limit going up are the same ones who don't notice it drop in a construction zone? Of course you do because unlike others you can drive and pay attention to signs around you at the same time. Sounds like common sense to me. Wish there was more out here like you.

doomytunes said...

I blame Tesla for covering that song about signs so now no one will read them. I can't wait for July when Ohio and Illinois will join the 65 club.

Unknown said...

Terry, I saw the sun today!!!!!!!!! Of course it was at the worst possible time (during my 5k this morning), but still the sun! Of course it's gone again now.

Have had a couple of days without rain but terribly overcast and HUMID.

Again I agree with Indy, you capture the situation perfectly.


Gary said...

loved the last sentence...