Aug 8, 2008

This Ones for you, Gabrielle

HA. !!

Enough with the excuses, and maybe the carbon monoxide wasn't helping too much. I have only run 25 miles in the past two months.....

Anyways, I went running today!! Hooray!! I only managed to knock out 4 miles..But before you think I went and overdid it. I only ran 1.92. The remaining was warming up, cooling down and a brief walking stretch in the middle.

But hey, I got out there. I am going to try to get back on a regular schedule. Get my totals back up. I will try to get one in Sunday in Elkton, Md and another Tuesday while I am in Maine...

So, Thank You Gabrielle, for being sooooo dedicated. Kind of made me feel foolish for putting it off for soooo long. Keep up the good work, you really are an inspiration.

And as for YOU, and you know who you are, it kind of made me feel guilty when you said you felt guilty when you don't run....And I have never felt guilty for not running, so Thanks for the guilt trip!!!


Anonymous said...

You're quite welcome Georgia peach

Terry said...

Ha, I guess you will be checking in on me every two days to make sure I do it... !! ha ha ha ha ....

Unknown said...

Woo-hoo, you RAWK!!

It's tough with the heat to get back into it so you did very well with taking the walk breaks. I'm envious that you're going to run in Maine (can I go too?). No need to feel foolish, everybody needs a break--it reminds you how much you enjoy it instead of having it be something you have to do. We have too much "have to do" stuff with out this becoming one also, so "thhhpppp" on the guilt trip person (that's me trying to do a raspberry with a lisp!).


Anonymous said...

well, since i haven't been able to run in, oh, forever, i am running vicariously through you! so you are a rock star in my book for running any amount!!

Terry said...

You are so right Gap-Tooth Gabby..... LOL.... You know I am teasing , right? I did enjoy it very much so yesterday, and am looking forward to a nice run in Maine. How often can a southerner get that opportunity..

I hear your thhhppp and add the wagging fingers in the ears!!

Shell!!! I can just see you and the Peanut now!! I will do my best for you! You will have to invest in one of those runner's baby strollers!!

Anonymous said...

A good way to relieve some of the stress of the last few weeks. Good for you.
Mama Bear

Anonymous said...

oh, the jogger was the first thing we bought! :-)