Just thought I would put together a quick recap of last weeks Big Adventure...
I was delighted to be invited by my SIL to join her at the Auburn University Homecoming. She was to perform with the Alumni Marching Band and needed someone to help out with the Bri-Baby.... Now, everyone knows how much I love Bri-Baby, so instantly I accept. As an added Bonus, Superman also loves college football and mentioned he would love to make the trip to see the game.
After an extremely long work week, Saturday finally arrives and I meet up with Superman. We set out to find SIL and Bri.
Okay, instead of a long narrative, I will just show the pics ......
We find SIL practicing with the Alumni Band
The Bri-Baby was happy to have the company! And YES, the diet obviously has been working.. How many of you could hide behind a seven year old and virtually disappear. Except of course, my big 80's hair!! hee hee hee. The first 15 minutes of our visit was spent sticking twigs into my hair and turning me into a reindeer... Ahhhh, Christmas is just around the corner!!
Here is a nice shot of the EAGLE....( War Eagle) who makes his flight through the stands during the pre-game festivities.
And have I ever told you how much I loves me a Marching Band.
The stands were actually pretty full later in the day... Um, this was homecoming, so alot of people were there just for that purpose, and well, since you don't play a team that can beat you during Homecoming, well, the game was not as thrilling as say... The Iron Bowl will be! I have got to get tickets to that game..... Hopefully next year!!
After hours of sitting in the blazing out sunshine, the stands began to empty out and we were finally able to find some shade... That is when Bri came alive. (Usually she is typically shy when it comes to strangers, but it did not seem to take too long to warm up to Superman. ) She even asked about him, when she noticed he was missing. Of course, I told Superman that he must have Bri's approval if I were to continue dating him....
Here is SIL sitting with the Alumni Band... She was actually quite a good distance away, but Superman has this awesome camera and I was delighted when he sent me this photo... It seems he was able to capture a few of SIL and well, since it was her moment... he thought she should have some pictures to commemorate it... I did not even know he had done it.. Once again, being so thoughtful, he has earned even more brownie points.
Oh yeah, did I mention the part where I was suppose to make sure Bri got a snack.. And I totally forgot! But of course, Superman remembered, and surprised us with drinks and huge pretzels.
Yeah, I know, I seem to be totally smitten with him and this was suppose to be a post about the Auburn Weekend. Okay, so I am a little distracted right now.... Let's hope the distraction continues.!!