Nov 21, 2007


Okay Shell tagged me for this one, but I did not follow the rules too well. Instead, because these Memes often get unpublished, I figured I better do this one quick before I forget.

So here are seven random/weird facts about me in no particular order...

1. I use to have severe social anxiety/panic attacks. It seems however, that I have somewhat outgrown this. As a young adult I had very poor self-esteem and could not look anyone in the eye. Now, I am the sunshine that lights up the room. I have something to say to everyone I come in contact with and am no longer afraid to do things alone..... I honestly can't remember how I felt back in those days, I just remember that I was always scared....So glad that is over!

2. I never watch television programs.... Everything I view is on DVD, including TV shows.. I am never home to follow any program with regularity, so I just get the series on DVD and watch it at my leisure....Except of course, a few choice college football games.

3. When I started driving the Big Rigs, I had a 4x6 block of wood strapped to the gas and brake pedals... I am 4'11"... Over the years, Truck manufacturers have begun to accommodate the vertically challenged driver, so now..... I can reach the pedals, however, I am almost sitting under the dash...

4. I have a very low tolerance for ignorant drivers... Today, there was a fellow in front of me at a traffic light. The light was green, the cars in front of him had pulled away, and there he sat talking on the phone, fooling around with some object and obstructing traffic....I blew my horn at him... As he looked in his mirror at me, he threw up his hands as if to say " WHAT?" Resisting the urge to yell at him and provide animated gestures (driving in NYC will do that to you), I motioned to the traffic signal, as it was turning yellow. He then floors it and darts through the intersection under a red light.... Hey Buddy, guess you did not notice the Law Enforcement Officer parked in the median, did ya?.... So, what could have ended with me feeling a tad bit of frustration, turned into a delightful situation when the blue lights came on...... YES, I DID LAUGH AT HIM..... OUT LOUD!! Idiot...

5. I miss mowing the grass... Seriously.. I have been in apartments for nearly four years now and my green thumb is wilting... My idea of relaxation is to play in the dirt, make things grow and keep them trimmed.... And I love the smell of freshly mown turf.......

6. I have never been out of the country, but have travelled through 46 states.. Too bad it was mostly for work....

7. I am also a pack rat, but you would never know it.. All of my hidden treasures are tucked away in boxes in the closet.... I really need to throw that stuff out because it is not memorabilia of any kind, just items I thought I would use at a later date... Maybe when I move, I can eliminate the stockpile..... Hey iMike, ready to go a Junkin'....

Okay, so there you have it. Kind of an odd list, but hey random does not imply structure or theme....So Kids, go have fun and tag yourself if you wish.....And for those of you who have tagged me in the past, sorry if I did not participate.. i will try to do better......


Sally said...

Oh, how wonderful to see that guy get pulled over! I would have LOVED that! I'm the exact same way w/ idiotic drivers...I seriously have Road Rage! =)

maddie said...

i never catch tv shows when they're on, either. and i, too, love watching them on dvd, 'cause there are no commercials!

Terry said...

Yeah Sally.. I could not help but drive away laughing.....!!

Yes, Shell... That is the best way to way them...Maybe I should invest in TIVO....

Anonymous said...

you had social anxiety? wow, never would have thunk it. glad you came out of your shell. boy, talk about a turn around...