Dec 25, 2006

2) First Stop

The first leg of my Holiday travels began at my oldest Brothers home. This is always a pleasant experience. I have two wonderful nephews and a terrific Sister-n-Law.. We went to an early movie and then had dinner. Due to my concerns over my diet, I decided to share entrees with my nephews. This worked out to my advantage.. because we had indulged ourselves with popcorn and candy at the theater.

The Boys are definitely growing up and developing wonderful personalities.. As always I tried to pull a prank on them.. The first one received his Christmas Cash in the form of one dollar bills. I had attempted to trick the other into thinking that I had forgotten to include his money in the gift. For one split second he had a tiny look of disappointment on his face, before he noticed the cash stashed behind a piece of cardboard... Next year, I will have to do better.!!

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