Feb 12, 2009

What's Up With That?

This week, I was delighted to find myself heading westwardly bound into the old familiar places of yesteryear. 

My route included heading through Alabama, Mississippi (one stop), Tennessee (one stop), Arkansas, Oklahoma (one stop) Kansas (one stop)  I was only in Kansas for a grand total of 11 miles, and Missouri (4 stops).

I have a separate post to enlighten you with the details of that journey, but for now......I just have two comments.

1.  Is it just me or is there an unusually large number of tire marks in the medians?  I don't mean where Smokies are making flips to chase down the bad guy either. I mean out of control vehicles... Seriously!  I drive in some of the heaviest traffic areas, and while there are some major malfunctions, there is nothing that compares to the battle scars left on I-40.  Did you people forget how to drive, or is the monotony of the open road/wide open spaces lulling you to sleep?  It just seems like every quarter of a mile, there was a new path cutting through the middle...Skids marks of a helter skelter design where someone left the roadway and ended up facing Jupiter, and not just the cars! Oh no, there were plenty of duel marks suggesting that the Big Riggers had been offroading it as well.


2. Someone is trying to burn up Oklahoma. In the first 50 miles , I noticed over a dozen stretches where the grassy shoulders had been burned into oblivion.  Continuing onto the Muskogee Turnpike, I decided to film for a bit. In all, in a hundred mile stretch, there were 27 burns!!  I am thinking you should not be throwing those lite cigarettes out the window, but that is just my opinion!!


Sally said...

Was that KS comment for me?? Because if you ever come within 2 hours of me, you better call! =)

Terry said...

Yes, Sweetie..That was for you...I went to Fort Scott....HA..I was only in your state for 23 minutes, but I did look for signs as to far away away you where....Over TWO HOURS!!!

Mike said...

Don't you watch car chases on TV?

I bet the Okies are running on the rims when they are running from the law. And rims on the road = sparks!

Then you get a nice spin out when the cops try to get the bad guys!

By the way, I was reading old posts yesterday and I was wondering, do they have good SACK LUNCHes in OK?

Anonymous said...

Those look like controlled burns to me because they are so uniform. Most of the time they are done to kill insects, fungus,etc on fields and to make room for new growth. I've never seen it done on a roadway but who knows.
As to the skid marks, maybe too many people are on their cell phone and in another world.
Mama Bear

Terry said...

iMike, it is no surprise that after your extended absence, you show up on my doorstep, looking for a Sack Lunch!!! LOL


rofl....LOL.....hardee har har

Anonymous said...

could be aliens landing on the shoulders...

Terry said...

Well, Gary.. I think aliens could be sitting on my shoulders whispering sweet nothings into my ear....I have this horrible bumble bee noise coming from the dash of the loaner.....and the meltdown continues!!

Unknown said...

I absolutely hate running I40 anymore. It's always been the interstate where there seemed to be more than the usual amount of new drivers that seemed to think they knew more than anybody else and were determined to get on the c.b. and let you know how much (read:little) than you do. Blech.

Terry said...

Gabby...I find I am enjoying two lanes even more than normal. It seems the Truckers on the two lanes are more helpful, friendly, and genuinely good drivers. Maybe they are there to escape the know it alls, too!!