Apr 18, 2008

Wild and Wonderful West Virginia

I always love riding through this magnificent state, especially with an empty trailer. It makes for good times, by my standards anyways... With its mountainous terrain and winding byways, it is always a treat to drive through.

So this week, after I finished making my deliveries, I was to pick up a load of sows in West Virginia to take to our plant in Tennessee. It is not a bad location to pick up, just a very heavy load. At this point I will remind you that West Virginia has some very intense inclines and descents, not to mention that my trailer brakes are not functioning properly. sheeeesshhh!!

Along the way to pick up, heading west on I-68, I pass through the little town of Cumberland, Maryland... I took this picture while cruising down the interstate (not bad, huh). This place just has that down home feeling about, so I thought I would share. Sorry about the bug guts in the center of the pic, but I did clean my windshield just before I left Carlisle, PA. Oh well, it is THAT time of year.

Anyways, back to the route plan. I pick up at Century Aluminum in Ravenswood, West Virginia, which is nestled on the banks of the Ohio River.

But not before driving across one of those 'drive it like you stole it' kind of roads. Wide open, as fast as your governed slow truck will go through all the winding curves with not an Officer in sight. This is Route 50 which carries you from Clarksburg, WV to Parkersburg, WV. At this point you get back on the Interstate and travel south to Ravenswood.

Once loaded, and scaled out ( 79, 880 lbs) it is time to head for Tennessee. Rather than head back towards the Interstate, I opt for Route 2. I always love me a good two lane, and what better reason to high tail it through the country side than poor brakes, which I have already mentioned. And Route 2 follows the Ohio River, so Yep, you guessed it, no long descents requiring properly functioning trailer brakes.

Along this route, as I travel through Lesage, I notice a "hotdog stand" on the side of the highway. It was very hillbilly-esque. (you really must open that link up for the full effect, go on, I Dare YOU!!) but swallow your Dr Pepper first, because I will not be held accountable otherwise.

The only thing that concerns me when traveling through West Virginia is the number of Correctional Facilities that I have spotted.. No really.... Three separate locations within 150 miles. But otherwise, it is a rather enjoyable scenic adventure.

And in closing, I leave you with this little tidbit! Okay, so it ain't the Ozarks, but work with me people!!


Anonymous said...

ha ha ha ha

"we got the wienies!"


why does that song remind me of lioux?

hee hee.

Mike said...

Thanks for the warning.

The Doc was safely stowed before I snuck a peek at the site.

Terry said...

I know Siz, makes you anticipate another one of his SSSeX posts!!

I wonder, Mike, if perhaps they also serve SACK LUNCHES....