The Scenic View
I don't think I will ever get tired of this view !!
Looking at Manhattan from the base of the Robert F Kennedy Bridge.
Formerly known as the Triborough Bridge, and well, it will always be that to me.

This is a beautiful little scenic route I found in southeastern Ohio.
Route 78, running east out of Malta. I wish I could have taken better pictures, but this road
had so many crazy turns and the pitch itself would twist your stomach.
Although, it is a designated truck route, I would never advise taking a heavily loaded trailer down through here, unless you intend of going very slow!! This would be a great motorcycle route, or even better, the site of a Mazda commercial. Zoooom zoooom zooooom!!

Something you would NEVER see on the East Coast. This photo was taken in Wisconsin. Can you guess what I am referring to?

Watching the fog roll into Cleveland. This was actually very fascinating, as I literally watched the city become engulfed in this fog. By the time I made it to the north side of town, it was nearly impossible to see the buildings at all.

This picture was taken at one of my customers in Chattanooga, TN. Yes, I am parked in a residential neighborhood. It took me 3 attempts to get backed down onto this street. I came in from the west and and had to turn north to get lined up. What you may not notice are 1) the telephone pole on the SW corner, 2) the chain link fence on the NW corner, and 3) the tree/roots on the NE corner. Also, I had the pleasure of entertaining the neighbors whom had gathered on their porches to gaze in wild wonder. Getting out was a whole lot easier. I only had to drive through an empty lot at the far NE corner. Lucky for me, the city had tired of replacing the stop sign at that particular corner, so I didn't have to worry about cutting my tires, or damaging my brake lines while tearing down a stop sign.
Great pictures, LT. Only time I spent on the East Coast was while I was married. Former got stationed at Myrtle Beach AFB, Sout Carolina an we were sationed there for 5.5 Months. And we had found a Brand Spanking new home to rent while we were stationed there. I was ONLY 5 mins. from the base back gate to home. And I did deliver an pick-up at Bud in NJ. Saw the Empire State Building from the Jersey side of the river.
If you're talking about those skinny pylon cones on the double yellow, well, we got some here in CA. What's funny is you'll get one doofus in a car or truck trying to pass and knock the cones down like bowling pins. And as for the backing into the neighborhood to deliver a load, kudos to you Hellcat. I couldn't do that. And I'm pretty sure a couple of male residents weren't interested in your awesome driving skills. They were probably watching your "so-called trucker's butt" and getting excited in "your wiggling".
Reminds me of a neighborhood I got trapped in Chicago one time. Sheesh.
Doomytunes...Does that mean you are not going to guess what is sooooo wrong with the construction picture... Sheeesh, you guys are no fun!!
I am completely clueless on the construction picture. There you happy? Now I announced to your public that I am clueless. Thanks!
Doomytunes...I will give you a hint, because no one else is guessing either. That is an INTERSTATE....
An interstate?! They actually "two-laned" an interstate.
Okay, so those of you who may have actually wondered what was so unusual about the "construction" picture... Yes, that is an Interstate, and it is NOT uncommon to find opposing traffic sharing one side or the other, but what surprised me was.....
There is no concrete barrier wall separating the opposing vehicles. I guess on the East Coast, it is just a sure bet that someone will cross the line, so they take all preventative measures. But here in Wisconsin, we are left to chance it..I hope the Cheeseheads have good driving skills :-)
wow, you have taken some really great pictures - They are definitely very creative with their trucks there.
Is it that there is no "Jersey Barrier" deviding the road?
OK, I totally cheated
Yes Rob..That is exactly what it is, but since your on the eastern side of the world you probably knew that without cheating :-)
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