Nuclear Disaster
Along with pulling a flatbed and hauling scrap, I also get the pleasure of picking up certain items and delivering it to numerous power plants. I am a busy girl!!
This week it was 4 18'pipes, weighing in at a total of 1700lbs. Not much of a load, but for some strange reason, I always enjoy riding around the big power plants. That is, until today.
I had just about made my escape when I notice, not one, but two Power Plant Security vehicles chasing me down. I was stopped in my tracks and grilled intensively about where I had been and why I took the route I did.... " I was just following security guards orders!!" They lectured me and with raised voices, informed me that I had taken the wrong route, and would not be allowed to do that again.
" I was just following the directions given to me" I even had them written down on a scrap of paper and offered to show it to them. Finally, after they had achieved satisfaction by badgering a little girl, I was allowed to leave. But not before they informed me that the first immediate left was indeed through the parking lot, although I have no idea where I was suppose to come out the other side. Remember, I went that route first, but, I am sure they will lead me by the hand next time.
You know, there is very little that still intimidates me about this job. I have been doing it for over a decade, and with New York City being my stomping grounds, well, you cant get into any harder situations than that. But for some strange reason, today's little misadventure did not sit well with me. In fact, I was so rattled by those men chastising me, that I missed an easy turn heading for home and ended up driving 20 miles out of my way.
Great post. Love your blog- and your attitude!
I'm an author in Atlanta, working with a journalist and magazine publisher looking for interesting and intriguing long haul drivers to include in a photo essay book about the modern truck driver. I think you would be perfect to include.
Can we talk more about it?
Linda Sands
What I like is when a driver gets yelled at for going the wrong way when there are no signs, directions, etc. I guess they think we have ESP.
Hello there, Terry. I think your truck needs Onstar or that GPS with the woman's plesant voice telling to where you're at and if you get lost, she'll tell you where to head back to.
As for the two so-called "super troopers", just because they got a badge and are protecting a power plant from "terrorists" :D, doesn't give them a right to exercise an Above-The-Law, Patroit Act, Homeland Security attitude to you or anyone else. You were given directions by the guard at the entrance, so he could've sent an escort for you he could've drew better directions.
ah, i see someone else thinks you have a future in writing. i believe i have mentioned this before. don't let the rent-a-cops get you down, they have to do something to justify their existence...
You will get used to it. People want to see you know your job. If it was that sensitive you would have an escort. We used to haul sensitive cargo and would be escorted on military bases with armed escorts. That's when it gets serious.
Doomy, LOL...I got yelled at and actually did follow the posted signs. They had changed the route but had not removed the old signage yet.
Gary, the funniest part...When the guard first approached me, I had no idea I was going to be reprimanded. So, naturally, I was grinning from ear to ear. It took him a few minutes to gain his composure sufficiently in order to chastise me. I think if I had never stopped smiling, he would not have seemed so imposing.
Flatdeck...These power plant hauls are few and far between. I typically do not have any altercations, but this was a case of me NOT showing up at a certain check point, so they were searching for me. Did not seem to do too good of a job at it though, as they found me 45 minutes later as I was leaving. Hmmmm, guess they should have looked at the receiving warehouse.. :)
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