Oct 30, 2008

Pre-Trip Inspection

I often fuss about tire pressure, or the lack thereof.

I often fuss about the fact that our air hose only produces 92-93 psi, so our tires cannot be properly inflated after hours.

I often fuss that trailers are not road ready when I go to pick them up on Saturday night.

I can't tell you how many times I have been assured that someone is doing a pre-trip on the trailers before they are loaded. Not to mention, the drivers are suppose to be writing up any repairs needed from the week before.

But if I mentioned all of that again, I would just be complaining.....

So, instead.......

Lucky for me, this was not my trailer.... This was found on my partners trailer, and the mechanic on call lives over an hour away. My trailer had 8 under inflated tires. But at least they were still attached to the rim!!

So much for those pre-trip inspections. And for any of you reading this who might be a Truck Driver, we have less than 20 drivers and 3 mechanics on site, so it is not too hard to recognize the slackers!!


Unknown said...

ohhhh, don't get me started on this! Routinely pick up trailers with flats, holes in the tires, etc, etc. Last week I dropped the trailer I brought up out of Laredo at our N. Little Rock yard for service and had written up check the roof for holes (we always have little holes where the forklift drivers aren't careful when unloading/loading) and it ended up having a 40' gash down the length of the roof. That's 40 feet!!!! Thank goodness the shop foreman knows me and knows my route (it's cable sealed when it leaves the plant in Mexico) so there wasn't anybody trying to blame me for it.


Terry said...

My main gripe is that our trailers are not being passed around the countryside.... We use the same ones every week!!! Same drivers, same trailers...I seem to be the only one who cares about getting them repaired!! and that is very frustrating on Saturday night when no one is around to fix them!!