Jul 4, 2008

Good Ol' Mother Nature

So far, I haven't run into any major storms this year. Until now.

This one in particular seems very ominous, but only lasted roughly 50 miles. The winds were high and visibility was at about 2 inches... HA!!

I do not believe it spawned any tornadoes, and I did not notice any traffic accidents due to the horrendous downpour that assaulted me and my fellow motorists. Brownie points for everyone on the road that day!!

And believe it or not, my wipers were actually on high speed (it took several tries to not catch them in the frame) This is the actual visibility.... Can you see the truck in front of me??? There was one there, less than 100yds away.... But after I lost sight of him, I slowed to about 40, along with everyone else....


AtHomeDaddy said...

Uh, yeah, Police department?

Yeah, well see, there is some nasty weather out here on the interstate, right?

And there is some little kid driving an 18 wheeler. In the rain.

Nope, she isn't swerving. She seems to be driving it just fine. Doing pretty good for a little kid sitting on a stack of pillows or something, I guess.

But she is taking pictures.

Right. Of her windshield wipers. While driving down the interstate.

Me? No, I am not drunk. Oh never mind.

Terry said...

It is a stack of ATL phone books... And wouldn't talking on the phone while driving in the storm to report a Little Trucker be just a dangerous, especially if the Little Trucker knew what you were doing....? Good thing the visibility sucked!!!!

Oh yeah, Current temp ~ 73 degrees.... ahhhhh, nice!!

Sally said...

ok, that looks like acary storm. glad you made it out ok!

Liöüx said...


I Love, Love, Love storms...but only if I don't have to drive in them.