Dec 8, 2011

Car-Hauling Etiquette 101.1

I know this applies to all motorists in all situations, but as a friendly reminder.... Do Not Tailgate a Car-Hauler!!

I don't have any information regarding this accident, but it is definitely not a happy ending. I hope the ConWay driver survived!!

And in other news.....

There are only 2 reasons I did not apply the brakes in this situation. I did not want to damage the 2 cars on the back of my trailer. At this range, I can guarantee you that the Fed-Ex driver would not be able to see my brake lights anyway. Notice, there is nothing keeping him from the left lane except ignorance!!


Anonymous said...

Don't you just love tail-gaters?

Todays Walk said...

OMG, I too hope the Conway driver survived as well. Shame on me for laughing at the stupidity of his actions, but no one should be tail gating any of the big rigs. Be safe out there! Merry Christmas!

justein clark said...
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Lynn said...

Four wheelers get on my nerves tailgating. Little do they realize that if one of those tires blow on the tandems, the rubber is coming through their windshield. Instant death.

Ed Wait said...

Unfortunately, there are times when the driver isn't paying attention, or for whatever reason, puts themselves in an unsafe situation. And, they often don't realize it, do they?

I wonder how long this person stayed back there close-up to your tail?

My first time here. Nice blog. I was refered by Marc Mayfield.

Keep up the good work!

Terry said...

Welcome Ed....

The Fed Ex driver followed me at this distance for several miles. Not only once, but twice. I thought he might have been exiting at the next ramp, but he just kept drafting. I eventually slowed to encourage him to pass, but I definitely wanted to brake check the hell out of him. Absolutely no excuse for it.

Kitty Kasper said...

It's a pity we can't have pics like that on the back of the trucks with the caption "No tailgating"

They may creep up to have a look; but then they would slam their breaks to back off.

I find hazard (or four way) flashing tends to warn them off when they are that close.

--NZ Kitty

Terry said...

There is really no where to place pictures like that on a car-hauler, but it would be an eye opening advertisement. Usually if they really start getting on my nerves, I just start coasting to slow my speed. They normally will pass if I slow enough. Welcome Kitty, and thanks for the comment!

BBT said...


Todays Walk said...

Just q quick note to add. I was heading down the west face of the famous Wolf Creek Pass in Colorado yesterday and you would be pleased to know that the box truck following the car hauler was smoking his brakes to keep some distance between them. The west face is more dangerous then the east face. It does have 2 runaway ramps on it, which gets used on occasion. It has a 200 foot drop on the top U-turn if they forget to turn left or slow down! I'd send you a photo of the pass, but can't!

Terry said...

Good for him TW!! I have had a few push me down some of our smaller east coast hills. That really irks me, my engine brake doesn't help much so I tend to down shift a lot to hold me back. To each their own, but I have been getting a little more verbal lately with those who choose to be inconsiderate.