'Tis the Season
I have been somewhat lacking in my enthusiasm for the holiday season this year. I have so much going on and so many changes taking place that I have not relished all that is to behold during the holidays.
Until Tuesday Night. Then it hit me like a ton of bricks, if only for a moment.
During the course of this weeks deliveries, I was bestowed with several Christmas presents from some of my regular customers. I begin to feel an inclination to head home and start making gift bags to hand out myself next week. Typically I love the holidays, the best part being finding that perfect gift for everyone on my list. Sadly, this year, cash will have to be the perfect gift.
sigh.....Who knows, I might get it in gear.....
But back to my Christmas Tale.
On my way home, I stopped in a rest area for the night. This particular one was maintained by a gentleman whom lived in a camper a few miles down the road. He was very quiet and kept to himself to stay out of the patrons way. While I was searching the snack machines for a treat, I noticed him humbly waiting in the corner to continue with his duties as the restrooms emptied. No one would look his way, much less greet him or even acknowledge him for that matter.
No one, except myself. He seemed pleasantly surprised as I engaged him in cheerful, witty banter. He shared a portion of his life story with me, including his dream to reach ALASKA for the adventure of a lifetime. I cheered him on with words of encourage and awe as his told his tale.
His eyes were sparkling as I made my way back to the truck for some rest.
Then it dawned on me....(I am a little slow, sometimes) This man was not used to having people treat him with respect and friendship...My heart began to fill emotion. I then proceeded to rummage through my bounty, and selected one of the gifts that had been given to me.
Feeling a little bit awkward, because I did not want to offend him by assuming anything about his lifestyle, as so many others were seeming to do, I made my way back inside the building. I immediately was discouraged because he was no where to be found. But as I left, I noticed him collecting the trash along the sidewalk. Beaming from ear to ear, I quietly approached him. I asked him if he had family in the area, and how he would spend his Christmas. I then offered him a Christmas present. His eyes welled with tears as he smiled. He let out a jolly laugh and expressed his gratitude. He told me that he could sense what a wonderful person I was from our previous conversation, and that had been enough of a gift to him already. I insisted he take the present, anyways.....To which he did not hesitate.
In return, he asked for one thing.... To give me a Hug! He said it was all he had to offer me, and I gladly accepted it. I made my way back to the truck with a bounce in my step, a smile on my face and all the joy that the holidays contain abounding in my heart.
I do not need for any of you to tell me what impression this story might make on you. I am not looking for your approval. I got what I needed from the smile in his eyes, as I walked away.
I would just like to remind each and every one of you, that there are people less fortunate who could use an extra smile, a moment of conversation, or even a hug!! My wish this Christmas , is that we all take a moment to spread the Christmas Cheer to those who are less fortunate!!