It Is Finished
My days as a flatbedder are over. I finished my final run on Wednesday night, after taking a final tour of New England. Quite possibly the best route to finish with, as I was able to visit with numerous customers who have become more like friends throughout the past decade. I actually had no desire to even make the final journey because I have become so emotionally removed. Throughout my journey, I have actually been employed by several trucking companies supplying the power unit, but my loyalties always remained with Bonnell.
There was no love lost with all the changes that have taken place within management of this dedicated account. There is definitely no love felt towards the maintenance department. But there is also no need to rehash any of the issues that plagued my career in aluminum.
I am a little surprised at the reactions I have received concerning my departure.
Most responded in a way I would have expected. On several occasions I have become quite misty eyed, while saying my goodbyes. I have listened to others complaints and desire to move on. I have received much support and encouragement over my decision. But the most surprising reaction came from inside the office. My dispatcher said nothing... My Boss, on the other hand, wanted to sit down with me this week in an attempt to make me reconsider. After 3 failed attempts to meet with him, I received a voicemail, telling me to just drop off my keys with security and "Thanks for all the hard work"...
That was it.... A single 5 second impersonal message! I can't say that I really expected much more than that, but it was still insulting. Oh well, in the past 3 years, we have had a higher turn over rate in management than with drivers. So it is not like they really knew me, anyway.
And for those of you who have followed my rants about maintenance, I did find it in my heart to bid the mechanics farewell. The Stooges have been a royal pain in my ass over the past few years, and like most of the bosses have stated in defense of their antics... They really are nice guys.
And with that, this Chapter concludes...
No turning back...