Apr 16, 2009

Schedule Of Events

Last night, I attempted to write a blog post, and after 5000 words and a few more tears, I realized that I could not find the words to clarify what was happening or my emotional state of being. Instead, I offered a few sentences to try to alleviate my mental torment. Neither worked. I erased the long diatribe and fell into a confused stupor as to the "how's" and "whys" this was happening to me.

My best friend offered as much solace as was possible, but encouraged me to just sleep on it. Tomorrow will take care of itself and worrying about it another night would do me no good. 

This morning, the course of action was to be as follows.  Allow my favorite company mechanic in Tennessee,  to go over the small issues and hopefully make a few repairs. Then head over to Volvo for the major issues. Finally, I would drive down to our Local Big Company Shop to have the remaining trivial tasks attended to.  I could not get all repairs completed at any one shop. The first shop deals with day cab units and I assume would not be capable of helping with the issues involving the inverter (as they have no sleeper trucks with inverters) I was fine with letting him do what he could. The Volvo shop was to only handle the warranty work and computer issues. The big Company shop would have to pick up the remaining slack.

So, this morning, I awoke to find out that my favorite company mechanic was on vacation this week. I almost immediately felt like just throwing  in the towel, but I was encouraged to head on over to Volvo and at least get started on the road to repair.

Upon arriving, I immediately felt the dark clouds begin to part and could sense a little relief in sight. Nothing happened, just started feeling relieved that this would all be over soon. I had made the comment to several people this week, that I would be willing to stay in a motel for as many days as it took to just be finished with all of this. So, after 6 hours, I was informed that I had 2 choices......Take the truck somewhere else to have the work completed, or camp out while they ordered a part.

I am sitting here at the HOJO Inn and drinking some really horrible coffee. BUT....I should be rolling again by noon tomorrow. I sincerely had no intentions of spending my personal time in a motel, guess I should have kept my big mouth shut. The boss did offer me several options, but I remarked that the sooner this is over, the better. I do not want to swap trucks, I do not want to drive a day cab, I do not want the local monkeys retrieving my truck. I do not want to wait any longer.  I want this finished.  

The best news of all......I have been given permission to let Volvo repair everything.....Seeing as how they were going to have Frankentruck overnight anyways.

I have the utmost confidence that when my beast is returned to me, I shall be able to perform my job with no more dilemmas for awhile. Truthfully, this is the closest I have come to having some sort of breakdown. Even my best friend remarked that they had never seen me this down for this long....And over a truck.....or three.....

I just want to thank a few of you for the emails and support you have offered to me. The virtual hugs and such, if you will.... Just think, your kind words may have spared a mechanic his life.....But seriously......Gabby, John, Ian, Doug, John, Andy, Paula, Billy, Eric,  and any others I may have forgot to mention.............. THANK YOU!!


Love Bears All Things said...

Where is you?
I think a little "sister" time might help. Will you be around this weekend?
Mama Bear

Terry said...

Oh NO....Is this the girls karaoke weekend? AHHHH...I had honestly thought about spending what is left of my weekend in Atlanta, I have to leave early for next week....But I cannot miss our weekend!! See you Saturday!!

doomytunes said...

I found your blog. Check out mine if you get a chance.

Anonymous said...

hey terry this is jared from new orleans... take it easy. don't let this shit get to ya.... when this happend to me i always take a long vacation away from the world for a week....

Sally said...

I'm behind on everything, so I just read this now...I'm sorry you're still dealing w/ all these stupid problems and frustrations. i can't wait to read about how you have a perfect truck. =) Hang in there!

Tachoblog said...


Just blogged on your Gravy Run video:


Hope this is ok with you.



Terry said...

Hey Snorelord..(hee hee)...You better get to blogging!!

Hey Jared....nice to hear from ya!! I agree, a week away seems to be in order!!

Sally, hi girl!! I am not going to deceive my self to thinking this series of trucks will ever be anything but a nightmare, but I am resigned.... I will do only what is necessary, and let the beast run itself into the ground....(That is what I would love to do, but that is not who I am , hopefully relief is in sight!!)