Dec 2, 2006

Whats Up With That!!

I was recently informed that if I did not actually use my vacation days (at work), that I would not be compensated for them. In other words, no bonus Christmas check for being a good employee and working all year long. So, I quickly tried to make arrangements for cashing in those 5 days. However, because of seniority I am unable to take off the week between the 25th and the 1st. Seven other have already chosen this week, and with only 10 of us left, no one else is able to request off during this time. I really dont want to take a full five days off in a row, because my check would be less than a normal work week.

I think I have found a way around this. I have requested that I be paid a vacation day for each of the next several Fridays and maybe a Thursday or two. My boss (being the [okay, I will be nice] somewhat known for not using his intelligence) stated that I am already off on those days anyway. I quickly pointed out that Thursday and Fridays are normal work days and I am just privileged that I dont have to work on those days. Therefore, I should be able to use them as paid vacation days. With a dumfounded look, he stared at me for a few moments and then agreed to turn in my request.

What kind of losers are running this show?? I have never been employed by anyone that wouldnt let you cash in your vacation time for an additional paycheck. This might be common practice, but it is the first time for me.. ( The previous years, I actually used the vacation time).

1 comment:

Ginger said...

While working at WM my boss's loved for you to just get paid (for holidays, too!) because it is so hard to find coverage and because we could not carry over any vacaion.