Dec 16, 2006


I have been with my current employer for over three years. We are required to wear uniforms. Some of the other employees have complained that I am not always in uniform.

My boss has "called me into his office" several times concerning this situation. My excuse is to blame it on the uniform company. Naturally, everyone thinks I am just making up an excuse because I simply dont like the uniforms... They are partially correct. I do despise the uniforms!

Recently we were allowed to send in our old clothes in exchange for some new ones. They had decided to update the dress code and the old uniforms did not meet the criteria for approval. Needless to say, the uniforms still suck!! Bright RED is not my color.

Our new replacements arrived and the Boss sends me a message telling me to check the order and sign off on it if it was correct. I get to the shop and ask the assistant for my clothes. She hands me a torn bag with stuff hanging out. We pulled out the items to have a look-see.


The pants were stained and the shirts were torn. It looked like someone had run over the bag. There were actual skid marks on it!! This time, instead of returning them myself, I left the bag with the assistant. The Boss can have a little look-see for himself. I told you I was not making excuses!!!!!

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