Jun 6, 2008

Not Again....

I got THAT dreaded phone call today.

The one that starts out, "It is your turn to pick"

I cringe whenever I hear those dreaded words... It means that Mr. T is at it again.. His choice of routes forces me to run a load I would prefer not to run. This week, it will be Tennessee, Ohio, and Michigan... Two of those states have 55 mph speed limits for trucks, the last time I checked, anyways. And Kentucky is in the way!!

It also means my paycheck will be less than I am accustomed to, and more time in the truck. I will be a regular OTR Trucker this week. Not really, I still won't have to wait to get unloaded, and I still already know the customers. The main drawback, other than having to cruise through OHIO and MICHIGAN, is that the stops are quite a ways apart. Meaning I might get lucky and get three stops delivered in one day, as opposed to my usual 7-8 while riding around the Big City. I do have an extra day off this weekend..... yippee.... but the prolonged trip might make it difficult to make the Father's Day event my stepmother has planned.. Sorry DAD!! I will try to be there.

In other news, today was splendid. I got my 5 mile run in, along with an hour at the pool, and the evening finished out with a nice thunderstorm. It was out of the blue, and it took me several minutes to realize my car windows were still down... ugh.... Guess I need to give the Pony Car some extra t.l.c. tomorrow.

Oh yeah.... I have a new infatuation. It is driving me crazy, because there is absolutely nothing I can do about it....It makes for nice dreams, but seriously, I prefer to not ache to know someone, whom I will possibly never "know". But, yeah, he is nice to dream about.

Okay, until then..........


Mike said...

Is it Animal from the Muppets?

George Clooney's stunt double?

That baby from the E-Trade commercials?

Terry said...

I did have a thing for Cookie Monster, but that was months ago!! and the Geico Gecko kind of cranks my tractor, too.....