Nov 1, 2007

It's Great To Be An AUBURN TIGER


This weekend, I am planning to meet SIL and the Bri-Baby at Auburn University to watch some college football... I believe they are playing Tennessee Tech. I am sooooo excited because this is only the second college game I have ever attended. The last one was also an Auburn game, we won!! But it has been years... and I live so close. Hmmm, what's up with that. SIL is participating in the Alumni Band so I will get plenty of Bri Time.

The frustrating part of this situation is that over the course of the past SEVERAL months, I have been off from work every Thursday and Friday without fail.

I did not think I would need to request off on Friday to have a girls weekend with SIL.

I was wrong.

I will still be able to make the game, but had to cancel my Friday plans...Why, because several weeks ago, it was decided that we had too many drivers and not enough freight. Two driver positions were eliminated, allowing the remaining drivers to acquire more miles during the week. It seems that the drivers who were doing all of the complaining about low miles have now decided that they would prefer the home time instead. Because my trip was cut short this week and I returned home on Tuesday night, I am now thrown back into the pool of local and daily trips to help finish out the week.

I hope next week, my load returns to normal..... I did learn from this lesson and have requested in advance to be off from work on the 15th and 16th.... I am going to Texas to visit an old high school friend. Yippee!!

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