Oct 21, 2009

A Tale Of Two Roads

Hello ??

Anybody still here? Life has been crazy lately with so much going on, but it is time for a little breather. So, in order to dive back into the world of blogging, I think I will begin with my current status.

The past few weeks, AA, has been taking my New England route, and I have been stuck fighting amongst the drivers in search of extra miles. Because I live so far from the plant, if there is nothing available relatively quick, I tend to head home with whatever I have managed to scrape up for the week. This week, a load fell into my lap that offers plenty of miles, but will take all week to deliver.

Starting near Atlanta, I will head to Chattanooga, and then deliver in South Carolina, North Carolina, Virginia, Maryland, New Jersey, western Pennsylvania and finally finish up a rock's throw from Niagara Falls.

Currently, I am waiting to see if the second shift near Pittsburgh, Pa, will unload me tonight, or if I will have to sleep on it before heading up to Lock Port, NY. I would have been here in plenty of time for the first shift to receive me, except for the massive delays I experienced in Delaware this morning.

I was heading north on 95, making a beeline for the 95/495/295/NJTP split. Just after passing the point of no return, traffic comes to a complete halt. No big deal, as there is a tight construction zone ahead which requires traffic to slow to 25mph due to excessively narrow lanes. After a few minutes, it became obvious that we were not going to be moving any time soon. Finally, a southbounder notifies us of an overturned dump truck blocking both lanes in the zone. Not one to fuss over things beyond my control, I set the brakes, shut off the motor and grabbed my latest read. A few motorist began to climb out of the cars and wander around. Because I have the luxury of communication, I was able to find out all the information being broadcast. I then jumped out of my truck and played hostess with the mostest, informing everyone of the accident and alerting them to alternate routes of escape. The Smokeys were allowing automobiles to back down the shoulder to the previous exit and be on their way. I helped several vehicles, stranded in the left lane, to make the necessary maneuvers in order to get the right shoulder runway. After the cars were cleared from the interstate, the 6-10 wheelers were then cleared for take off.

Finally, when all was clear, the big lumbering giants were allowed to back out of what could have been a very long delay.

I know I shouldn't poke fun, but I just cant help it sometimes. After sitting for nearly 2 hours while traffic dispersed in reverse, I took an alternate route to the Delaware Memorial Bridge. Mr Smokey gave me exact directions and they worked like a charm. I also noticed, that they had Highway Hero trucks set up at all the turns to help everyone find their way through. But, I just cant help but giggle a little when I think of all those truckers who got lost and were begging for help. I think I was the only truck in my immediate vicinity who followed the alternate route. The rest missed the first turn due to someone's miscommunication of directions over the CB. I tried to interject , but you cannot tell a truck driver anything....

Especially ME !! LOL

I was only 1.5 hours late....due to a 2 hour delay plus detour...Oh well, cross your fingers.


John II said...

I hear ya, Terry, traffic jams suck. :)
BTW, you should use your charms (twirling you awesome hair, batting those blue, hypnotic eyes, smile with those bright teeth and gorgeous lips and that sweet, sultry voice) and tell AA, "Hey, I want my NE route back, pal!" :D

Indy said...

Yup! I am still here, irregardless, but have had all sorts of issues happening in and out of work to the extent THE BOSS suggested that I need a week off! I had already asked for a week at the end of November, but he would prefer I take at least a week ASAP - which I am fully in agreement with. I wanted to take it off before, but lack of available QUALIFIED drivers for this combination meant I had to wait. Anyhow .... sorry to hijack this for a second!


Isn't it a bugger when something like that happen? It can have a knock on effect all week!

The last section indicates that YOU at least listened to the instruction!

Indy said...

Dayum! That came out rather badly! That is a bad fault I have! What I meant was that YOU listened to the instructions and as a result managed to get outta there whilst some of your male counterparts ...... well ..... perhaps they should listen to the little girl, huh? :-)

Anonymous said...

We're still around. We are always anxiously await your next post.

simstick said...

Good thing about a feed reader (Google Reader). See it when the new stuff comes through.

doomytunes said...

I experienced the Jersey Turnpike as a trucker for the first time yesterday. It was rolling pretty good thankfully.